Zalma’s Insurance Fraud Letter – January 15, 2024

Zalma’s Insurance Fraud Letter – January 15, 2024

See the full video here and here

Zalma’s Insurance Fraud Letter (ZIFL) continues its 28th year of publication dedicated to those involved in reducing the effect of insurance fraud. ZIFL is published 24 times a year by ClaimSchool and is written by Barry Zalma.  It is provided FREE to anyone who visits the site at

The current issue includes the following articles:

GEICO Takes a Bite Out of Fraud


GEICO, as a pro-active victim of insurance fraud, sued Jean-Pierre Barakat, M.D., et al, alleging that Defendants defrauded GEICO in violation of the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO,” 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), (d)), by submitting hundreds of fraudulent bills for no-fault insurance charges. Plaintiffs also allege common law fraud and unjust enrichment and seek a declaratory judgment as to all pending bills.

In Government Employees Insurance Company, et al v. Jean-Pierre Barakat, al No. 22-CV-07532 (NGG) (RML), United States District Court, E.D. New York (January 2, 2024) the USDC provided an injunction.

Read the full January 15, 2024 issue of ZIFL here. 

More McClenny Moseley & Associates Issues

This is ZIFL’s twenty first installment of the saga of McClenny, Moseley & Associates and its problems with the federal courts in the State of Louisiana and what appears to be an effort to profit from what some Magistrate and District judges indicate may be criminal conduct to profit from insurance claims relating to hurricane damage to the public of the state of Louisiana.

See also  Vacancy Is Not the Same as Occupancy

Read the full January 15, 2024 issue of ZIFL here. 

Florida Residential Property Claims and Litigation Report

Closed Claims Data for Calendar Year 2022 as of 11/1/2023

The full report is available at The report was prepared Pursuant to Section 624.424(11), Florida Statutes, each authorized insurer or insurer group issuing personal lines or commercial lines residential property insurance policies in Florida is required to annually file a supplemental report on an individual and group basis for closed claims with the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR). The first year of data collected was for 2022 and the information below compiles aggregated information stemming from that data. Various elements of this data have been released by the Office in other reports and presentations throughout the 2023 calendar year.

Read the full January 15, 2024 issue of ZIFL here. 

Now Available The Compact Book of Adjusting Property Claims – Fourth Edition

On January 2, 2024, in Kindle, paperback and hardback formats,  The Compact Book of Adjusting Property Claims, Fourth Edition is now available for purchase here.and here. The Fourth Edition contains updates and clarifications from the first three editions plus additional material for the working adjuster and the insurance coverage lawyer.

Read the full January 15, 2023 issue of ZIFL here.


Another Proactive Insurer Works to Take the Profit Out of Insurance Fraud

In Allstate Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company, Allstate Fire & Casualty Insurance Company, and Allstate Property & Casualty Insurance Company v. Bradley Pierre, Medical Reimbursement Consultants Inc., Marvin Moy, M.D., Rutland Medical P.C. D/B/A Medicalnow, William A. Weiner, D.O., and Nexray Medical Imaging, P.C. d/b/a Soul Radiology Medical Imaging, No. 23-CV-06572 (NGG) (LB), United States District Court, E.D. New York (January 8, 2024) Allstate joins GEICO and other insurers taking a proactive effort against no-fault insurance fraud perpetrators.

See also  ICO vs STO: What’s the difference?

Insurance Fraud

Next to tax fraud, insurance fraud is the most practiced crime in the world. It is perpetrated by members of every race, religion, and nationality. It is found in every profession. The possibility of a tax-free profit when coupled with the commonly held belief that criminal prosecution will probably not occur, is sometimes too difficult for normally honest people to resist.

Read the full January 15, 2024 issue of ZIFL here. 

Health Insurance Fraud Convictions

New Jersey Laboratory and Its Owner and CEO Agree to Pay Over $13 Million to Settle Allegations of Kickbacks

Clinical laboratory RDx Bioscience Inc. (RDx), of Kenilworth, New Jersey, and its owner and Chief Executive Officer Eric Leykin, of Brooklyn, New York, agreed to pay to the United States $10,315,023 to resolve False Claims Act allegations involving illegal kickbacks and medically unnecessary laboratory testing. RDx and Leykin will pay an additional $2,934,977 to the State of New Jersey, which jointly funded claims paid by the New Jersey Medicaid program. RDx and Leykin have agreed to cooperate with the Justice Department’s investigations of, and litigation against, other participants in the alleged schemes.

Read the full January 15, 2024 issue of ZIFL here. 

It’s Time to Subscribe to Substack or Locals

For Subscribers Only I Have Published Special Insurance Articles and Videos

I published on more than 25 videos and two webinars of the Excellence in Claims Handling program. I also published on videos and webinars of the Excellence in Claims Handling Program available only to Subscribers. The subscribers have access to all the videos and a webinar on “The Examination Under Oath A Tool Available to Insurers to Thoroughly Investigate Claims and Work to Defeat Fraud” among others.

See also  How auto insurers responded to Ontario’s auto fraud announcement

The videos start with the history of insurance and work their way through various types of insurance and how to obtain and deal with insurance claims. Subscribe and receive videos and articles available only to subscribers to the Excellence in Claims Handling at and to articles and videos also available to subscribers at for a small fee of only $50 a year. You can Subscribe to “Zalma on Insurance” at  and to “Excellence in Claims Handling” at

Read the full January 15, 2024 issue of ZIFL here. 

(c) 2024 Barry Zalma & ClaimSchool, Inc.

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About Barry Zalma

An insurance coverage and claims handling author, consultant and expert witness with more than 48 years of practical and court room experience.