Your all-in-one moving house checklist.

moving house checklist

Have a move on the horizon? You’re undoubtedly feeling a mix of excitement and stress. But with the help of our moving house checklist, you can start planning ahead now for a safer and more efficient move.

Follow along and check off items as the months and weeks approach, starting with…

Two months before the move

Determine what type of move this will be. Are you moving everything by yourself, with the help of friends and family, or with a moving company? Decide this before proceeding.
If applicable, research moving companies. Check recent reviews to see if the company is legitimate, timely, reliable, and gentle with your possessions before sending any money.
If applicable, research and secure moving equipment such as a large truck, industrial padlock to protect your belongings in the truck, a dolly, and tarps.
Create a room-by-room inventory list. Consider taking photos of the rooms in your home or writing a list of key items. It will help you track your possessions throughout the move and in the event you need to file a claim.
Create a central folder. There will be many documents and receipts to come through your move. Establish a central location to keep track of them all. If you’ve been storing receipts for large-ticket home items, add them to this folder, too.
Plan ahead for time off. If your move will take place on a weekday or will take longer than a weekend, arrange for time off work now to reduce stress.

One month before the move

Service your vehicle. If you’ll be using your car to help transport items, schedule routine maintenance or repairs for a safer ride.
Hire a moving company, if applicable. Determine what time you would like them to arrive and how long the move should take.
Ask around for moving boxes. Moving is an expensive process. Check with friends or loved ones to see if they have extra moving boxes you could use. Start collecting them now.
Get your moving supplies. After asking friends or loved ones for moving boxes, secure the remaining items you need. Stock up on boxes, tape, bins, bubble wrap, labels, and more.
Repair your current living space. Are there burned-out light bulbs, loose screws, wall holes, or other repairs you’ve been putting off? Start tackling them now to ease stress later.
Start packing what you don’t need. The timing may sound early, but you’ll be thanking yourself later. If there are drawers or cabinets with items you don’t regularly use, start packing them away.
Plan out your new space. Are you moving to a bigger floor plan? Consider ordering or identifying additional furniture you’ll need now to accommodate shipping delays. Are you downsizing your space? Now is a great time to purge pieces that won’t fit or won’t be needed.
Contact your utility companies. Alert your gas, cable, internet, home security, and other utility providers about your change of address. If you’ll be transferring coverage to your new home, work with them to transfer coverage early so there won’t be an interruption in service.
Set up mail forwarding to your new address.

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Two weeks before the move

Confirm moving details with hired movers. Ensure you’re still on the books and that their timing is accurate.
Pack, pack, pack. The sooner you start, the easier it will be.
Update your license, insurance, and registration. A new home can mean new home insurance to match. Talk to a local, independent agent to update your policy and ensure your new living space is covered. Update your driver’s license and car insurance, too.
Get moving insurance. Because things can go wrong, be prepared with moving coverage.

One week before the move

Wrap up your packing. As a rule of thumb, load large boxes with lighter items like blankets and pillows, and small boxes with heavier items like books. This helps distribute weight and ensures no boxes are too heavy to carry.
Take photos or videos of the empty space. Document your empty space in case you need to reference the condition to a landlord or tenant later.
Collect spare keys. Did you give the neighbor a spare key to hold on to? Collect any spares from friends or loved ones before moving out.
Talk to your neighbors. Besides being the friendly thing to do, it’s a good idea to alert neighbors of your move-out date so they’re aware of trucks, noise, and movement around your home that day.
Make plans for trash pickup. Moving before the next trash pickup? Don’t leave items for the new owners. Instead, make arrangements with the city for trash pickup or coordinate it with a neighbor.
Clean your new space. If you have keys or access to your new space, consider stopping by to clean it before moving in. It will be much easier to clean now before boxes take over the space.
Account for tips. If you’ve hired movers, arrange for payments and cash tips. Take money out for unexpected expenses.

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Moving day

Clear a safe path. Safety on moving day avoids injuries. Maintain a clear walkway and tape down cords or tripping hazards that could become dangerous.
Check credentials for the moving company. In all the moving chaos, the last thing you want is a moving scam. Check the paperwork or credentials of the moving company when they arrive to be sure they’re the reputable company you hired.
Eat and hydrate. Keep snacks and cold water on hand to keep everyone refreshed and alert during the move.
Double-check your utilities. Are your utilities turned off at your old home and turned on (or scheduled to be turned on) in your new space? Check in with your water, gas, and electric companies to make sure the transfer happened, and that all utilities are in your name at the new address.
Take inventory at your new space. Inspect furniture to ensure no damage happened during the move and check to see if all boxes made it to your new home.
Make an unpacking plan. Where will large furniture pieces go? What items need to be unpacked first? Designate drop zones for your belongings and ensure you leave space to walk safely. Creating a plan before you begin opening boxes will help you have a more efficient move.

As you start checking off items on your moving house checklist, don’t forget to talk to a local, independent agent. They’ll ensure you’re covered through every step and have the right protection for your new home sweet home.