You can insure your phone… On your phone

Some people dream of scaling Everest… We dream of things like giving South Africans the ability to insure their phones while using their phones. And seeing as that’s what we’ve done, you’ll forgive us for breaking out in a little happy dance.

What’s that? You want to know more about this experience of insuring your phone while you’re on your phone? We’ll gladly tell you. Basically, we’ve created the King Price app for you to download onto your mobile device and use to get a whole bunch of really practical insurance adminny-type things ticked off your list. Let’s say that you’ve insured your car. Now, you don’t have to get your car inspected because you can just do it on your phone, in 2 minutes tops. Or what if you want to save more with our multiple car insurance and cover your second car? Again, you can just use the app to get a quote and add the other car. It’s really that easy.

Of course, you might not have another car to insure… But you do have other valuables that go out and about with you, like your phone. Smartphones are super vulnerable to big uh-ohs (dropped face-first on the tarmac and then flattened by a passing car) theft, and even the occasional oopsie (doused in your 4-year-old’s milkshake for a split second).

If you have insurance, then this is no big deal and now that you can use our app to get cellphone insurance, it would be downright silly not to cover your precious phone (if you don’t already have a policy, that is). To help you see just how easy it is, we’ve jotted down how you can do it, although can we just say… Just getting portable possessions insurance for your cellphone on the King Price app will be faster than reading about it here. We suggest you do both and time yourself, because what’s life without a little fun and competition?

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How to use the King Price app to insure your phone:

Step 1 Download the app and take a second to marvel at how pretty it is, because it really is rather fetching if we do say so ourselves.

Step 2 Tap on ‘Add cover’ on the top left of the home page, tap on ‘Portable possessions’, and tap on the item you want to insure. You can choose 1 item at a time.

Step 3 Our insurance whizz will ask you to tell her about your phone and then give you a sweet little summary of your premium, excess, replacement value, and all that good stuff.

Step 4 Happy with what you’ve seen? Tap to add this cover to your policy.

Congrats! You’ve successfully added your phone to your insurance portfolio (oooh, look at you being all adulty!) and it probs only took you like 5 minutes. That’s got to be some kind of record.

Want insurance that makes it this easy? Join our kingdom today.