Why Does The Car Have So Many Gears…And More Of The Best Car Culture Stories From Last Week

Why Does The Car Have So Many Gears...And More Of The Best Car Culture Stories From Last Week

Slate Asks: ‘Why Would An Automaker Manufacture A Car With So Much Engine Power That It Requires An Eight-Speed Transmission?’

Image for article titled Why Does The Car Have So Many Gears...And More Of The Best Car Culture Stories From Last Week

Photo: Bentley

Tesla’s Cybertruck Has Finally Arrived

I came across a bit of commentary on the website Slate.com that was mostly about last week’s Bentley crash at the Rainbow Bridge, and it contained the following: “Why would an automaker manufacture a car with so much engine power that it requires an eight-speed transmission? The obvious answer is: because people pay a lot of money for it.” That is not the obvious answer. It is not the answer at all. Read More

These Are The Cars That Have Depreciated The Least Over Five Years

Image for article titled Why Does The Car Have So Many Gears...And More Of The Best Car Culture Stories From Last Week

Photo: Porsche

Depreciation is a fact of life when it comes to buying a new car, but it definitely hits some vehicles way harder than others. A few weeks ago, we took a look at cars hit hardest by deprecation over the past five years. Now, we’re looking at the flip side of the coin. Read More

Fox News Thinks It’s Your Constitutional(?) Right To Drive Fast, Leave A Trail Of Corpses

Image for article titled Why Does The Car Have So Many Gears...And More Of The Best Car Culture Stories From Last Week

In a country where nearly 43,000 people died on the roadways last year with deaths hitting a 16-year high in 2021, you’d think any safety precaution that saves lives would be given a fair hearing. But we are not always dealing with the clearest of thinkers in this world. Fox News’ latest attempt to stir up outrage is so ridiculous and lazy, not only did we laugh about it all yesterday afternoon, here I am, writing a post about. Read More

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Let’s Remember When The LAPD Blew Up A Neighborhood

Image for article titled Why Does The Car Have So Many Gears...And More Of The Best Car Culture Stories From Last Week

Photo: Irfan Khan (Getty Images)

The Los Angeles Police Department has a tumultuous history with the residents of LA, especially in certain low-income neighborhoods that are predominantly Black or Hispanic. Among other abuses of power, the LAPD has been accused of racial profiling and unfairly targeting minorities, but the department went above and beyond that time it bombed a city block because officers couldn’t be bothered to properly dispose of illegal fireworks they’d found and confiscated. Read More

How The Tesla Cybertruck’s $60,990 Starting Price Stacks Up To The Competition

A 2024 Tesla Cybertruck.

Photo: Tesla

We thought the day may never come, but the Tesla Cybertruck is finally here and in production… sort of. There aren’t many that are getting into peoples’ hands just yet, but even if it’s limited, production and deliveries have technically started. On top of that momentous news, we now know just how much this stainless steel monolith to tempered expectations will cost, and it only took four years to find out. (You can read about all of the Cybertruck specs and information here.) Read More

This Could Be The Most Massachusetts Car Crash Ever

The crash scene at a shuttered Saugus Boston Market.

Photo: Saugus Firefighters Local 1003 via Facebook

Sometimes you can tell where something happened without ever being told outright. Such is the case with this car crash that left two vehicles inside an abandoned Boston Market. Where did this happen? You guessed it. Massachusetts, baby. Read More

Reggie Watts Is A Big Porsche Fan | Jalopnik Chats

Reggie Watts Is A Big Porsche Fan | Jalopnik Chats

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The comedian and author of “Great Falls, MT” talks about shifting from Tesla to Porsche.