Where do technology and software providers add the most value?

Where do technology and software providers add the most value?

Where do technology and software providers add the most value? | Insurance Business Australia

Insurance News

Where do technology and software providers add the most value?

Shining a light on global tech successes

Insurance News

Roxanne Libatique

Insurance Business (IB) has unveiled the 5-star technology and software providers across the globe for 2023, recognised for having their ability to help businesses develop the most efficient and cost-effective operations.

IB chose this year’s global 5-star technology and software providers by enlisting some of the industry’s top experts. For 15 weeks, the IB research team conducted one-on-one interviews with brokers and surveyed thousands more within the IB global network to understand what insurance professionals think about the current market offerings.

Expert interview

Chris Tunnecliff, chief technology officer for international operations at Crawford & Company, is one of the experts interviewed by the IB team for the Global 5-Star Technology and Software Providers 2023 special report.

In the interview, Tunnecliff identified the key areas where this year’s winners add value:

streamlining and automating the claims process;
reducing manual errors;
improving customer experience;
protecting sensitive data;
preventing cyber threats;
making communication and collaboration between brokers and insurers seamless; and
making policy issuance faster.

See this year’s winners by reading the IB Global 5-Star Technology and Software Providers 2023 special report.

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