What You Need to Know About the New NYS SLEEP Act

What You Need to Know About the New NYS SLEEP Act

Beginning April 1, 2022, new legislation took effect in New York State intended to curb motorists and repair shops from illegally modifying the exhaust on vehicles and motorcycles to be excessively loud. The SLEEP Act – which stands for Stop Loud and Excessive Exhaust Pollution – was signed into law by NYS Governor Kathy Hochul on October 29, 2021, increasing the maximum fines and penalties motorists and repair shops face for violations related to loud exhausts.

The bill amends existing vehicle and traffic law to increase fines and create stricter regulations for motorists and mechanics who may be modifying a vehicle or motorcycle’s exhaust from its original stock equipment. Continue reading to educate yourself on the specifics of New York’s new SLEEP Act. 

What Does the SLEEP Act Change?

The SLEEP Act aims to reduce noise and emission pollution on the roads of New York State. As of April 1, 2022, the maximum fines for installing illegally loud exhausts in New York was raised to $1,000—an $850 increase from the previous maximum fines for illegal exhausts of $150. Fines could be assessed in the event that an illegal exhaust modification is made, such as the addition of a cut-out, bypass, or similar device.

Another change as a result of the SLEEP Act is motorcycle inspection stations are now tasked with ensuring mufflers and exhausts have not been illegally modified before certifying an inspection. Furthermore, the new bill states that inspection stations that willfully violate the legislation and install illegal vehicle equipment three times within 18 months can risk losing their certificate inspection stations or operator certificate.

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With the enactment of the new legislation, New Yorkers can expect to hear less vehicles on the road that have been modified to sound louder. The bill also may benefit the environment by reducing the emissions of harmful pollutants that illegal exhausts may not filter.


What Do I Do if I Have a Modified Exhaust?

If you have a modified exhaust on your vehicle or motorcycle, you may be wondering what the new law means for you. The SLEEP Act does not affect legal exhausts—only exhausts that have been illegally modified or added.

If you are unsure whether or not your exhaust is legal, have it checked out by a certified inspection station to be sure. If your muffler or exhaust is deemed illegal, install a legal system before further operating your motor vehicle. With the new bill now in effect, correcting an illegal exhaust before you are ticketed will save you money from the increased fine.


Did You Know?

Your exhaust is responsible for more than just expelling fumes from your engine. In fact, an exhaust, specifically the catalytic converter in an exhaust, plays an important role in reducing pollutants in the emissions of your motor vehicle. A catalytic converter is an exhaust emissions control device that burns off the most harmful pollutants in engine fumes into less harmful fumes before expelling it into the environment.