What Is The Cancellation Fee For Progressive Auto Insurance?

The Cancellation Fee For Progressive Auto Insurance

Progressive Auto Insurance is one of the largest auto insurance providers in the United States, offering a wide range of coverage options for drivers. However, like most insurance companies, Progressive has policies in place that govern the termination of coverage.

In some cases, cancelling an insurance policy before its term is up can result in a cancellation fee. This fee is designed to compensate the insurance company for any administrative costs associated with processing the cancellation.

If you’re considering cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy, it’s important to understand the company’s cancellation fee policy and how much it might cost you.

In this article, we’ll explore what the cancellation fee for Progressive Auto Insurance is, when it applies, and how you can avoid it.

What Is The Cancellation Fee For Progressive Auto Insurance?

The cancellation fee for Progressive Auto Insurance varies depending on a number of factors, such as the state you live in and how far into your policy term you are when you cancel. In general, Progressive charges a fee of around $50 to $100 for cancelling a policy early.

However, the actual fee may be higher or lower depending on your specific circumstances. For example, if you cancel your policy within the first 14 days after signing up, you may be able to get a full refund without any cancellation fee. On the other hand, if you cancel your policy after the first 14 days and before it expires, you may have to pay a prorated fee based on how much time is left on your policy.

It’s important to note that cancellation fees are not unique to Progressive Auto Insurance, and many insurance companies have similar policies in place. If you’re considering cancelling your policy, it’s a good idea to review your contract or contact your insurance agent to find out what your specific cancellation fee will be. Additionally, if you’re thinking about switching to a different insurance company, make sure to factor in any cancellation fees when comparing quotes to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

When Does The Cancellation Fee Apply For Progressive Auto Insurance?

The cancellation fee for Progressive Auto Insurance applies in a variety of situations, depending on the specific policy and state regulations. In general, the fee will be applied if you cancel your policy before it expires. However, there are some exceptions that may apply. Here are a few situations where the cancellation fee may or may not apply:

Early Cancellation: If you cancel your policy within the first 14 days after signing up, you may be able to get a full refund without any cancellation fee. This is often referred to as the “free look” period. After this period, you may still be able to cancel your policy, but you will likely have to pay a fee.
Mid-Term Cancellation: If you cancel your policy after the first 14 days and before it expires, you may have to pay a pro-rated fee based on how much time is left on your policy. For example, if you cancel halfway through your 6-month policy, you may be charged a fee equal to 3 months’ worth of premiums.
Non-Payment: If you fail to pay your premiums and your policy is cancelled due to non-payment, you may also be charged a cancellation fee. This fee is designed to compensate the insurance company for any administrative costs associated with cancelling the policy.
State-Specific Regulations: It’s important to note that some states have specific regulations around cancellation fees. For example, in California, insurance companies are prohibited from charging a cancellation fee if the policy has been in effect for less than 60 days. Make sure to check your state’s regulations to see if there are any restrictions on cancellation fees.

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How To Avoid The Cancellation Fee For Progressive Auto Insurance?

If you’re considering cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy but want to avoid paying the cancellation fee, there are a few strategies you can try. Here are some ways to avoid the cancellation fee:

Wait Until The Policy Expires: If you’re close to the end of your policy term, you may be able to avoid the cancellation fee by simply waiting until the policy expires. Once your policy expires, you can choose not to renew it and switch to a different provider without incurring any fees.
Find A New Policy Before Cancelling: Before cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy, make sure to shop around and find a new policy with another provider. By securing a new policy before cancelling your current one, you can avoid any gaps in coverage and reduce the likelihood of being charged a cancellation fee.
Discuss Options With Progressive Customer Service: If you’re thinking about cancelling your policy due to financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances, it’s worth reaching out to Progressive’s customer service team to discuss your options. They may be able to offer you a payment plan or other alternative solutions that can help you avoid the cancellation fee.

It’s important to note that cancelling your auto insurance policy can have consequences beyond just the cancellation fee, such as a lapse in coverage that can lead to higher premiums in the future. Before cancelling your policy, make sure to weigh the pros and cons and explore all of your options.

What Happens If You Cancel Your Progressive Policy And Switch To Another Provider?

If you decide to cancel your Progressive Auto Insurance policy and switch to another provider, there are a few things that will happen. First, you will need to secure a new policy with the new provider before cancelling your Progressive policy. This will ensure that you have continuous coverage and avoid any potential gaps that could result in higher premiums in the future.

Once you have secured a new policy, you can cancel your Progressive policy. Depending on the timing of your cancellation, you may be required to pay a cancellation fee, as discussed earlier in this post. It’s important to note that cancelling your policy mid-term may result in higher premiums with your new provider, as insurance companies often view gaps in coverage as a higher risk.

After cancelling your Progressive policy, you will need to return your insurance card to Progressive and obtain a new insurance card from your new provider. It’s also a good idea to inform your lienholder or leasing company (if applicable) of the change in coverage.

If you have paid for your Progressive policy in advance, you may be eligible for a refund for any unused premiums. The amount of the refund will depend on the timing of the cancellation and any applicable fees. It’s important to check with Progressive to understand their specific refund policies and timelines.

Overall, switching to a new auto insurance provider can be a good way to save money on your premiums. However, it’s important to do your research and make sure you understand the potential consequences of cancelling your current policy before making any changes.

Can You Get A Refund For Unused Premiums If You Cancel Your Progressive Policy?

If you cancel your Progressive Auto Insurance policy before the end of the policy term, you may be eligible for a refund of unused premiums. The amount of the refund will depend on several factors, including the timing of the cancellation, any applicable fees, and the payment plan you selected.

If you paid for your policy in full upfront, you will likely receive a refund for the unused portion of your premium. The refund amount will depend on the number of days remaining in your policy term, and any applicable cancellation fees.

If you are on a payment plan, such as monthly payments, you may be eligible for a refund for any unused premiums after the cancellation fee has been deducted. The amount of the refund will depend on the timing of the cancellation and the payment plan you selected.

It’s important to note that some states have regulations governing the calculation of refunds for cancelled insurance policies. For example, some states require insurance companies to issue pro-rated refunds based on the number of days remaining in the policy term, while others allow insurance companies to charge a short-rate fee for early cancellations.

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Before cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy, it’s important to review your policy documents and understand the refund policies and any applicable fees. It’s also a good idea to contact Progressive customer service to confirm the amount of any refund you may be eligible for and the timeline for receiving it.

How Does Cancelling Your Progressive Policy Affect Your Credit Score?

Cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy should not directly impact your credit score. Insurance companies do not report policy cancellations to credit bureaus, so cancelling your policy should not appear as a negative item on your credit report.

However, if you have outstanding balances on your Progressive policy that are not paid in full, this could have an indirect impact on your credit score. If you fail to pay your cancellation fee or any outstanding premiums, Progressive may send your account to a collection agency, which could negatively impact your credit score.

In addition, cancelling your Progressive policy could indirectly affect your credit score if you switch to another provider and fail to make timely payments on your new policy. Late or missed payments on your new policy could result in negative items appearing on your credit report, which could lower your credit score.

It’s important to note that insurance companies may review your credit score when determining your premiums for a new policy. While cancelling your Progressive policy may not directly impact your credit score, a lower credit score could result in higher premiums with a new provider.

Overall, cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy should not have a significant impact on your credit score as long as you pay any outstanding balances in full and make timely payments on any new policies you obtain.

What Are The Consequences Of Not Paying The Cancellation Fee?

If you decide to cancel your Progressive Auto Insurance policy before the end of the policy term, you may be required to pay a cancellation fee. This fee is designed to compensate the insurance company for administrative costs associated with cancelling your policy early.

If you fail to pay the cancellation fee, Progressive may take a variety of actions to collect the debt. For example, Progressive may send your account to a collection agency, which could negatively impact your credit score. In addition, Progressive may pursue legal action to collect the debt, which could result in additional fees and expenses.

Failing to pay the cancellation fee could also result in your policy being terminated for non-payment. This could leave you without insurance coverage, which could result in significant financial losses if you are involved in an accident.

It’s important to note that cancelling your Progressive policy mid-term may result in higher premiums with your new provider, as insurance companies often view gaps in coverage as a higher risk. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider the potential consequences of cancelling your policy and weigh them against the benefits of switching to a new provider.

If you are having difficulty paying the cancellation fee, it’s important to contact Progressive customer service as soon as possible to discuss your options. Progressive may be willing to work with you to establish a payment plan or negotiate a reduced fee in order to help you avoid negative consequences.

Can You Negotiate The Cancellation Fee With Progressive?

It is possible to negotiate the cancellation fee with Progressive, but the outcome will depend on several factors, including the reason for the cancellation, the timing of the cancellation, and your relationship with the company.

If you are cancelling your policy mid-term and switching to a new provider, Progressive may be more willing to negotiate the cancellation fee, especially if you have been a long-time customer with a good payment history. In some cases, Progressive may be willing to waive the fee entirely or reduce it in order to retain your business.

If you are cancelling your policy due to financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances, such as a job loss or medical emergency, it may be possible to negotiate a reduced cancellation fee or establish a payment plan. It’s important to contact Progressive customer service as soon as possible to discuss your options and provide documentation to support your claim.

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In general, the best way to negotiate the cancellation fee with Progressive is to be honest and upfront about your reasons for cancelling and to maintain a respectful and cooperative attitude. If you approach the situation in a reasonable and professional manner, Progressive may be more willing to work with you to find a mutually beneficial solution.

However, it’s important to remember that cancelling your policy mid-term may result in higher premiums with your new provider, so it’s important to carefully consider the potential consequences before making a decision.

What Is The Process For Cancelling Your Progressive Policy?

If you need to cancel your Progressive Auto Insurance policy, the process is relatively straightforward. Here are the steps you should follow:

Contact Progressive customer service: The first step is to contact Progressive customer service by phone, email, or online chat. You will need to provide your policy number and personal information to verify your identity.
Request cancellation: Once you have verified your identity, you can request to cancel your policy. You will need to provide the reason for cancellation, the date you would like the cancellation to take effect, and any other relevant information.
Pay any outstanding balances: If you have any outstanding balances on your policy, you will need to pay them in full before the cancellation can be processed. This may include the cancellation fee, any unpaid premiums, or other fees.
Receive confirmation: Once you have completed the cancellation process, you will receive confirmation of the cancellation by email or mail. This confirmation will include any refunds due to you and the date the cancellation will take effect.

It’s important to note that cancelling your policy mid-term may result in a cancellation fee and could impact your premiums with a new provider. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider the potential consequences before making a decision to cancel your policy. If you are unsure about whether to cancel your policy, you can contact Progressive customer service to discuss your options and explore other alternatives.

What Should You Do With Your Progressive Insurance Card After Cancelling Your Policy?

If you cancel your Progressive Auto Insurance policy, you should return your insurance card to the company as soon as possible. Here are the steps you should follow:

Remove the insurance card from your vehicle: If you have a physical insurance card in your vehicle, remove it and keep it in a safe place until you can return it to Progressive.
Contact Progressive customer service: Contact Progressive customer service to inform them that you have cancelled your policy and to request instructions for returning your insurance card. They may provide you with a specific address to send the card to or provide you with instructions for returning it online.
Return the insurance card: Once you have received instructions from Progressive, return the insurance card as directed. Be sure to include your policy number and any other relevant information to ensure that the card is properly identified and processed.

Returning your insurance card to Progressive is important because it helps to ensure that your personal information and insurance coverage are not misused or compromised. In addition, it can help to avoid confusion and potential legal issues if you are involved in an accident or other incident while driving without insurance coverage.

If you have any questions or concerns about returning your insurance card, contact Progressive customer service for assistance. They can provide you with additional information and guidance to help ensure that the process goes smoothly.


In conclusion, cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy can be a relatively straightforward process, but it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences, including the cancellation fee and potential impact on your credit score. Understanding the cancellation fee and other policies related to cancelling your policy can help you make an informed decision and minimize any negative impacts.

If you are considering cancelling your Progressive policy, it’s important to review your policy documents and contact customer service to discuss your options and explore alternative solutions. In some cases, Progressive may be willing to waive or reduce the cancellation fee or work with you to establish a payment plan that fits your budget.

It’s also important to remember that cancelling your policy mid-term may result in higher premiums with your new provider, so it’s important to carefully consider the potential consequences and shop around for the best rates before making a decision.

Overall, understanding the cancellation fee and other policies related to cancelling your Progressive Auto Insurance policy can help you make an informed decision and avoid any unnecessary fees or penalties. If you have any questions or concerns about cancelling your policy, don’t hesitate to contact Progressive customer service for assistance.