What is cheerleading? (definition & benefits)

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If your current workout routine leaves you feeling
unmotivated, it may be time to try a new activity to put the excitement back
into getting fit.

The solution to this common dilemma may be found in an
energetic and sociable sport which has become popular in the UK. Give me a ‘C’,
give me an ‘H’, give me an ‘E’, give me an ‘E’, give me an ‘R’!

Here you’ll find a complete guide to the benefits of cheerleading and what it involves, so you can decide whether it’s the right activity for you. 


What is cheerleading? 

Cheerleading arrived in the UK from America in the
1980s. Stereotypically, it’s known as an activity for American college
students, cheering on their team from the side of a sports pitch by waving pom

But that’s way off the mark from today’s physically
challenging athletic routines, which are a spectacle to see and thrilling to
participate in. 

Cheerleading is a team-based sport combining
acrobatics and dance. Many cheerleading teams compete worldwide in competitions
where judges score their two-and-a-half-minute routines—it’s certainly no
longer just a sideline activity. 

It also has a strong reputation for promoting
self-esteem and confidence in those who take part, especially because it is a
team-oriented activity. 

The UK Cheerleading Association’s mission is clear: “to provide a channel for health and
social education through Cheerleading to all young people regardless of sex,
class, creed, culture, race or physical limitation”.

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If you’re still unconvinced, it may help to look a
little further into the benefits of cheerleading—you may just be tempted to
ditch the gym and give it a go.

Related: The best cheerleader stretching routines 


The benefits of cheerleading 

1. Improves physical endurance 

To be a cheerleader, you’ve got to be fit to
successfully complete the routines. Tumbling, dancing, and jumping requires
both stamina and endurance. 

Although a single routine may only last a few
minutes, learning the technical choreography requires hours of practice, which
will greatly improve your fitness.

Suppose you attend a two-hour cheerleading practice
at least once per week. In that case, you’ll easily reach the government guideline of 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, contributing
heavily to improved fitness. 

According to LIVESTRONG, exercising for endurance boosts your heart health, aids in weight loss, and prevents age-related decline, amongst other benefits. Cheerleading is ideal for training endurance and boosting your long-term health. 


2. Builds strength

When it comes to the health benefits of
cheerleading, it’s not just your cardiovascular fitness that will improve. 

Lifting, carrying, and holding certain positions
(we’ve all seen the pyramid stunt) rely on a lot of functional strength,
notably your core and upper body. 

Since strength is the foundation of most cheerleading stunts, you’ll notice a considerable change in your capacity for lifting others and holding certain positions after just a few months of practice. 


3. Increases flexibility 

benefits of cheerleading image

Cheerleading is a form of dance, and many routines
require high jumps, kicks and, in some cases, splits. Each of these moves
requires a huge amount of flexibility.

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The more you gradually stretch your body during
practice, the more flexible you’ll become, and the greater your range of motion
will be. 

Not only will this improve your performance, but a greater range of motion has been proven to reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall quality of life. 


4. Improves balance 

It is a simple fact that jumping on one leg, moving
in very close proximity to others and holding certain positions require a lot
of balance and coordination. 

It’s highly unlikely that you will ever see a
cheerleader who can’t dance, and balance is an important skill for any dancer
to hold.

Training your balance goes hand in hand with flexibility when it comes to
improving your technical cheer skill—it’s also linked to heightened performance
and injury prevention and is, therefore, one of the many health benefits of

Related: 13 exercises to improve your balance 


5. Promotes discipline 

cheerleading benefits

Working to such a strict routine requires dedication
and application. You won’t be able to complete the ‘perfect routine’ without
training built on willpower and discipline.

Building self-discipline is essential for succeeding
in cheerleading, as it enables you to push through tough sessions and
competitive periods without giving up. 

It’s also a mental benefit of cheerleading that can
aid in reaching personal goals outside of the practice and is beneficial to any
career path. 

It heightens your focus and boosts your self-esteem, and BIC Magazine dubbed it ‘the single most important attribute to becoming successful’. 


6. Provides skills in teamwork and leadership 

No other exercise epitomises teamwork more than
cheerleading. A whole routine relies on the entire team—you must put
significant trust in others to perform a great routine and ensure your own
safety and that of others.

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Learning to work with others to overcome hurdles and accomplish goals is critical for succeeding in many areas of life, whether creating healthy relationships with others or pushing forward in your career. 


7. Boosts confidence 

cheerleading benefits

Cheerleading is an act—it’s a true performance.
Working in a team and often performing in front of judges requires much
showmanship, which will help build confidence and self-belief.

The essence of cheerleading revolves around a
positive outlook, from the high-energy routines and upbeat chants to the
camaraderie of being part of the team. 

Group exercise can work wonders for your self-esteem, and cheerleading is a unique form of exercising with others. If you want to grow in this area, you’ll be happy to know that increased self-esteem is one of the many benefits of cheerleading. 


Thinking of joining your local team? If so, you may
want to protect yourself through specialist cheerleading insurance for peace of mind during training and competitions.

At Insure4Sport, we arrange Public Liability cover that protects your legal
accountability if a claim is made against you for injury or accidental property

Up to £50,000 Personal Accident cover is also
available, so the financial impact of any injuries sustained is minimal.

Learn more about how we can help here, or click the button below to get an instant online quote.