What are the characteristics of a top insurance brokerage?

What are the characteristics of a top insurance brokerage? | Insurance Business Australia
Insurance News
What are the characteristics of a top insurance brokerage?
Featured insurance leaders work with Insurance Business Australia’s Top Brokerages 2023
Insurance News
Roxanne Libatique
Insurance Business Australia has outlined the characteristics of a top insurance brokerage as part of finding the best brokerages across Australia for 2023.
In an interview with IB, Schalk Van Der Merwe, CEO of Omnisure – one of IB’s Top Brokerages for 2023 – said Omnisure has become one of the best brokerages in Australia by focusing on client needs and developing broker expertise.
“We get everyone’s input in terms of the strategic direction of the business, especially from a customer acquisition point of view,” Van Der Merwe said. “The process doesn’t necessarily change, but the strategy is slightly different in terms of how quickly you need to interact with customers and how quickly sometimes they’re looking for support.”
Developing broker expertise
Omnisure upskills it brokers through:
weekly Monday training and sales huddle
twenty-minute education segments
external training
staff study scholarships
“We want to see our staff more educated than the minimum, and that gives us a bit of a competitive edge,” Van Der Merwe said.
Cynthia Yap – managing director of another 2023 IB Top Brokerage, Dynamic Insurance Services – said the company gives its people autonomy in how they work.
“As long as they follow compliance, they can shine however they want,” she told IB. “I don’t pressure them with income. I support them so they can grow; they’re not there to make money for me. Just leading them like this allows them to innovate, shine and be themselves.”
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