Travelers and Frontier celebrate five years

Travelers and Frontier celebrate five years

Partnership has brought security and seamless service to clients worldwide

Five years ago, Travelers and the managing general agent Frontier Global Underwriting (“Frontier”) launched a partnership around a central goal. They wanted to combine the stability and strength of the Travelers brand with Frontier’s local expertise and territorial distribution in the emerging markets, Australia and the Pacific territories. In doing so, they set out to provide brokers and clients in far corners of the globe with underwriting solutions coupled with world-class security.

Fast-forward five years and the complementary strengths of these partners have delivered significant wins for brokers and clients. Frontier, as a managing general agent (MGA) through the Lloyd’s market, operates in conjunction with Travelers on all aspects of the portfolio. Operating as a Lloyd’s cover holder, Frontier underwrites investment managers’ insurance, directors & officers’ insurance for both commercial and financial institutions, professional indemnity insurance for financial institutions and cyber insurance in Australia and other Pacific territories, as well as bankers’ blanket bond and other associated financial and professional lines of business in the emerging markets. The territorial reach spans from Latin America to the Middle East. Now, with over 500 client policies bound and writing business in 39 countries, the success of the partnership is clear to see. It has been based on a mutual understanding of each other’s strengths and expertise, as well as a close day-to-day trading relationship. Frontier and Travelers collaborate on wordings and training, exchanging ideas and data on a frequent basis.

“Our clients can see the value of our partnership when they have claims,” said Sophie Fraser, co-managing director and cofounder of Frontier. “Travelers and Frontier operate in partnership; this close relationship helps us be proactive and communicate effectively. That’s a big advantage for our clients as when claims need to be dealt with efficiently and paid quickly, there is only one line of communication. This is where we excel.”

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On the product side, the recent addition of cyber insurance to the suite of products Frontier offers via their Travelers capacity in Australia is a huge benefit for clients. This results in insureds being able to purchase a combined product on the financial lines side that is more cost-effective and offers an integrated claims solution. As well as cyber, other new product lines that Travelers and Frontier have launched together over the past five years include FIDO in the emerging markets.

“For the classes of business we write, particularly in Australia where we focus on offering cyber to financial services companies; it’s such a strong message when you can offer cyber, professional indemnity, directors & officers’ and crime insurance with one carrier,” said Joel Pridmore, co-managing director and cofounder of Frontier. “There is so much crossover exposure that being able to offer that full range of protection provides so much peace of mind for brokers and clients.”

“Frontier has been an ideal extension of Travelers, helping us both draw on our strengths and extend our capabilities in new ways,” said André Rodrigues, underwriting officer at Travelers Europe. “As a result, brokers and clients are benefiting from the stability, risk appetite and service level we provide at the local level. Our partnership has been a perfect model of what an MGA/carrier relationship should be.”

Authored by Travelers

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