There is a Way Out College Debt Does Not Need to Be a Burden


College debt is not only a problem for recent graduates. Many employees are still struggling to pay off their education bills, which seems hopeless for some. College debt may be only part of an overall bleak financial picture. It is the size of the payment obligation that many times causes the worse stress. Too many people are resigned to life decisions that include delaying marriage, family, or buying a house because of college debt.


Employers are now being called upon to help their employees with money problems. This means more than a seminar or a self-study course. Increasingly, more people want a little extra to help them with their financial wellness. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers considerable value with a significant benefit plan.


Advice, Support, and Education


We have a financial wellness program that covers a lot of bases. A national network of certified counselors is at the heart of our services. These are professionals who deal with everyday financial concerns a person confronts. There is a counselor in every community where there is a Countrywide client.


The counselors are familiar with college debt and what steps a person can take to reduce the burden. This can include various programs that reduce either the balance or the interest rates. The counselor will tell a financial wellness plan member what must be done to qualify for multiple debt relief programs. But the help does not stop there.


Many employees have problems with college debt because their finances are in shambles. A Countrywide counselor will do a budget analysis and assist in constructing a workable budget that allows a person to meet college loan payments. Countrywide assistance does not end there.

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Some plan members have college debt and other pressing obligations that they must meet. The alternatives can be as drastic as foreclosure or bankruptcy. We have a Debt Management Plan, which can help a person waive fees, lower interest rates, or even reduce payments. There is ongoing counseling and customer assistance while the plan member is enrolled in the program. It does cost a little bit more, but this kind of financial wellness help makes a significant difference.


The services we offer somebody struggling with college debt can turn the tide. Loan obligations become part of an orderly payment of bills, and the counselor’s suggestions will help a person develop more realistic expectations and spend money prudently. We do not offer boilerplate solutions; each client has its own custom-made financial wellness plan.




The Employer Works with Us


We have worked with organizations for years providing superior employee benefits to their rank-and-file. Countrywide knows from experience that no two organizations are entirely alike: each has its employee demographics. What is suitable for one organization may not be sufficient for another. We only know what services to offer by working closely with decision-makers.


Our relationship with a prospective client sets the tone for future activity. We sit down with an organization’s executives and explain our financial wellness services. We know that management has questions, and we encourage them. We want prospective clients to understand what to expect, and we consider transparency to be critical. After we have explained our services and what other things we can do, we ask the decision-makers to decide what benefits will be part of their plan. Those choices are part of the final document. Countrywide provides superior member services and streamlined administration. We keep close contact with all our clients to ensure everything is going as expected.

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Are you interested in our services? We hope you are and that you will contact us at your earliest convenience. We want to explain all our services and answer any inquiries you have. We can help your employees manage college debt and provide other services they will appreciate.