The world’s longest triathlon

the longest triathlon

Ever felt tempted by an Ironman? How about 120 all joined together travelling around the world?

For those of you who enjoy a bit of dot watching and need some adventure to live through vicariously, then you need to follow Jonas Deichmann. Some of you reading may remember that we supported Sean Conway’s attempt to beat the World Record for the fastest crossing of Europe a couple of years ago. Along the way, he had a live tracking map that showed another cyclist who he was trying to beat – that was Jonas. But this time, he really has stepped it up a gear in his attempt to get one up on Sean.

Although his record has subsequently been beaten, Sean did set the World Record for the World’s Longest Triathlon back in 2015 when he circumnavigated the coast of mainland Britain in a self-supported, 4,000-mile, continuous ultra triathlon.


So how far is Jonas travelling?

Jonas will be travelling the equivalent of 120 iron distance triathlons, 40,000km. He’s currently 11 days in and is in the sea off the coast of Croatia. He set off from Munich where he cycling to Croatia and he is currently swimming along the coast to Montenegro.

From here, he’ll be back on his bike and will be cycling east all the way to the Chinese coast where he will take a sailing boast across the Pacific to America. From here he will run 5040kms across America from San Francisco to New York. He’ll then cross the Atlantic in another sailing boat (spot the low carbon footprint theme here?!) and sail to Lisbon from where he will then cycle back to Munich.

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I imagine that he will be hoping that by the time he gets home, the Covid-19 pandemic may be subsiding and he’ll be able to have a good party!

Where can I follow Jonas?

You can dot watch Jonas on his website where his live tracker will show you his exact whereabouts. He’s also posting regular updates on Instagram if you want to see how he’s getting on. We’re already hooked and can’t wait to continue to follow his journey. It feels even more inspiring in this strange new world we are living in. Good luck Jonas, we’ll be following you all the way!


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