The wacky world of insurance: Bizarre policies you won’t believe

The wacky world of insurance: Bizarre policies you won’t believe

Welcome to the twilight zone of insurance! You might think insurance only covers homes, cars, and medical costs. But hold onto your hats, as we’re about to delve into some of the world’s wackiest insurance policies.

Alien abduction insurance: Because ET might not phone home

Yes, you read that right! Certain companies actually offer insurance against alien abductions. Policyholders receive pay-outs if they can prove they’ve been whisked away by extraterrestrials. Beam me up, Scotty!

Moustache insurance: No hair-raising expenses here

For those whose upper-lip fur is their crowning glory, moustache insurance exists! This policy covers any potential damage to your whiskers. Now that’s hair-raisingly brilliant!

Taste bud insurance: A policy with flavour

Food critics and chefs can insure their taste buds, an essential tool of their trade. If they lose their discerning palate, their insurance policy is there to compensate. It’s a policy that leaves a great taste in your mouth!

Hole-in-1 insurance: For the par-fect game

So, you’ve just hit a hole in 1 and now you need to pay for everyone’s drinks at the club house? Have no fear! Some insurers, like King Price, cover you in cases like this! Cool, hey? Click here to check out all the ins and outs of this cover.

Lottery insurance: When luck strikes

Some insurers offer lottery insurance to protect companies against too many employees winning the lottery and resigning at once. So, the next time your colleagues rush to buy lottery tickets, you’ll know why!

See also  The best insurance claims process for the digital world

These wacky insurance policies prove there’s an insurance policy for almost anything. Whether you need cover for the mundane or the bizarre, your needs are paramount.

At King Price, we understand that everyone’s insurance needs are unique. Our commitment to provide simple cheap insurance makes us the perfect partner, whether you’re insuring your home, car, or that potential hole-in-1! Keen on that kind of peace of mind? Click here for a commitment-free quote today.



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The wacky world of insurance: Bizarre policies you won’t believe


Plunge into the world of bizarre insurance policies, from alien abductions to taste buds! Explore the wacky side of insurance, and find out how King Price Insurance can meet your unique insurance needs.


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King Price Insurance

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