The importance of Prostate Cancer UK

The importance of Prostate Cancer UK

You may have heard that Club Insure’s partnering with Prostate Cancer UK to help raise money and awareness. We’ve pledged to raise £75,000 as part of our three-year partnership by donating £5 per new or renewed policy.

Despite being the most common cancer in England, many people still don’t know the symptoms of prostate cancer or how to seek further tests or diagnosis. One man every 45 minutes dies of the disease, but Prostate Cancer UK has set out to change that.

What is Prostate Cancer UK?

Prostate Cancer UK is a charity solely focussed on helping
to beat prostate cancer. They do this in three main ways:

Raising awareness

Through their high-profile campaigns,
Prostate Cancer UK makes sure prostate cancer is firmly in the public eye. This
encourages people to be aware of the disease, and thus more likely to recognise
symptoms and seek advice.

Many campaigns feature high-profile celebrities such as Bill
Bailey, Jeff Stelling and Stephen Fry. Working with such influential figures to
raise awareness of cancer is quite literally a life saver for many men.

Increasing support

When Prostate Cancer UK was first founded in 1996, one of its main missions was to improve the care and welfare of those diagnosed with prostate cancer. The charity offers support to men diagnosed with prostate cancer, or those concerned about potential symptoms. 12,000 men died of prostate cancer in just one year. Many of these deaths happened because their cancer was not detected early enough. Prostate Cancer UK’s helpline gives men the opportunity to talk openly about their concerns and receive the support they need to seek help from their GP.

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Specialist Nurses offer support and information across a
variety of different channels, making communication accessible and available to
all. The charity also works with health professionals to identify areas of
improvement that can change the lives of men across the country.


Prostate Cancer UK’s top priority is funding research to
help discover better tests and treatment. This will help to spot cancer earlier
and treat it more effectively, hopefully saving thousands of lives. So far, the
charity has invested over £37 million into research.

This research involves trying to find new ways to diagnose
prostate cancer sooner, reducing the number of men going through unnecessary
cancer treatments. New and more effective treatments are also being developed,
that may have fewer side effects. Finally, Prostate Cancer UK are trying to understand
more about the cancer. We know there are certain risk factors giving some men a
higher chance of getting prostate cancer, but we don’t necessarily know why. Finding out what starts cancer will
hopefully help lead researchers to ways that will prevent it.

Why we’ve partnered with Prostate Cancer UK

The charity is working towards saving men across the UK, and it’s a cause very close to our hearts. Our Associate Director Lloyd, died of prostate cancer aged only 49. We couldn’t be prouder of his ambition, courageousness and selflessness. Ever since his diagnosis, Lloyd had been fighting to fundraise in order to help find new treatments. And we stand in memory of Lloyd by helping to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK. Our partnership encourages all staff, the clubs we work with and their members to take part. Together, we can continue to help men across the country fight prostate cancer.

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See our successful fundraising achievements for Prostate Cancer UK here:

For more information about Prostate Cancer UK, check out their MANifesto. We’d love you to get involved in our fundraising mission – follow us on social media or get in touch to find out more.