The FBI Is Publicly Seeking the Identification of Victims of MMA

The FBI Is Publicly Seeking the Identification of Victims of MMA

Maybe the investigators with Florida’s Department of Financial Services (DFS) who are investigating insurance company fraud against policyholders can learn something from the FBI in Louisiana. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is seeking the following information:

The FBI’s New Orleans Division is seeking to identify potential victims of the law firm McClenny Moseley & Associates (MMA). The FBI believes MMA primarily targeted Southeastern Louisiana homeowners after Hurricane Ida and may have been assisted by Apex Roofing & Restoration.

If you believe were victimized by MMA or have information relevant to this investigation, please fill out this short form.

If you know of someone else who has possibly been victimized by MMA, please encourage them to complete the form themselves.

The FBI is legally mandated to identify victims of federal crimes it investigates. Victims may be eligible for certain services, restitution, and rights under federal and/or state law. Your responses are voluntary but may be useful in the federal investigation and to identify you as a potential victim. Based on the responses provided, you may be contacted by the FBI and asked to provide additional information. All identities of victims will be kept confidential. 1

Can you imagine how long the list of victims would be regarding policyholders who have been ripped off by insurance companies in Florida? I am not holding out much hope in Florida based on the quality of Florida’s investigators, as noted in “Are Florida’s Department of Financial Service Investigators Competent or Simply Refusing to Investigate Alleged Insurance Company Corruption?” and Chip Merlin Busted By Florida Insurance Investigators!” 

See also  Test Your Business Risk IQ

Still, the FBI’s tactic is a first that I can think of in the insurance context. Some may project that the FBI may not have enough information against MMA to file charges and is looking for something. But, if that were the case, I cannot imagine the FBI publicly issuing this news statement against a law firm that is not in serious criminal trouble and damaging an innocent entity’s reputation.  Everyone is entitled to the presumption of criminal innocence.

Thought For The Day 

No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it.
—Theodore Roosevelt