The 10 Cars that are Stolen the Most in Canada

The 10 Cars that are Stolen the Most in Canada

The 10 Cars that are Stolen the Most in Canada | Insurance Business Canada


The 10 Cars that are Stolen the Most in Canada

Here’s a list of the 10 most stolen cars in Canada. Is your car on it? Should you add more security features or buy another model? Find out more here


Ramon Berenguer

Car theft is one of the most lucrative underground industries in the world, costing insurance companies and car owners billions of dollars each year. Sometime in 2022, Canada unfortunately became the car theft capital of the world, as thieves stole over 105,000 cars.

That was a car theft spree of epic proportions, since that was equivalent to having one car stolen every five minutes.

These days, it may help you to know which cars are stolen the most in Canada. Such information may guide you on how much you may have to shell out for car insurance – after all, the “popularity” of a car among thieves can raise premiums.

In a strange way, this information can also prove useful in choosing the right brand, make, and model. Car thieves wouldn’t go through the trouble of stealing a specific car and risk getting caught if their preferred model wasn’t worth selling in its entirety – or as parts on the black market.

Knowing the cars that thieves favour can also help you decide whether to take the risk and buy the car, get the proper auto insurance, and install potent security measures in the car or in your home. You may even decide to avoid buying these models altogether.

So, what cars are stolen the most in Canada? What is the number one stolen car in Canada? Find out here, as Insurance Business goes down the list of the top ten cars that thieves target the most.

As in the US and many other countries, organized crime and car theft in Canada is big business. There are in fact more than 2,000 organized crime groups (OCGs) operating in Canada alone, according to a report by the RCMP.

While auto theft is considered a nonviolent crime, it can still be very damaging and traumatic for taxpaying citizens as it is not only a violation of a person’s rights but can also be very costly. According to this auto theft trend report, here are the most stolen cars in Canada:

1. Honda CR-V

Topping our list of cars stolen the most is Honda’s popular crossover sport utility vehicle (SUV). The Honda CR-V remains the favoured target amongst car thieves as this is often stolen and then exported to other countries.

A common practice among thieves for getting ahold of these vehicles is leasing them from car rental companies. They would use fake documents, perhaps even get car rental insurance to keep up appearances, then selling them overseas.

2. Dodge RAM 1500 Series

Among the trucks that car thieves like to steal, this is the preferred target in the top ten most stolen cars in Canada. The Dodge RAM is a popular buy for overseas smugglers. This model is highly sought after, so much that car thieves would snatch the vehicle right from their owner’s driveways.

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There is an apparent vulnerability with this model, as some recent news clips show that car thieves use electronic equipment to mimic the owner’s electronic key fobs. They can then gain access and use the copycat key fob to casually drive away with the truck.

Here’s a news clip that shows CCTV footage of some hapless Dodge RAM owners lose their trucks in this manner:

3. Ford F150 Series

The second most targeted truck is the famous and much-loved Ford F150. Car thieves go to great lengths to steal this truck due to the high demand for it in black markets overseas.

Despite having a presence in many countries, Ford Motors offer the F150 to only a few select markets apart from the US and Canada. Thanks to its heritage and robust engine, selling stolen Ford F150s remains lucrative, especially in markets where they are rare or not legitimately purchased.

4. Lexus RX Series

Auto enthusiasts know that the Lexus brand is Toyota’s luxury division that commands premium prices for cars and SUVs that combine reliability, durability, and style. Unfortunately, car thieves are aware of this, too.

That’s why car thieves in Canada still steal Lexus RX crossover SUVs, which are also the most stolen vehicles in Ontario. The way they do it is by disconnecting a section of the headlamp, then attaching a device that sends signals to the control CAN bus. This part is the communications “hub” within the car that allows the thief to open the doors, then start the ignition without the key or remote.

Lexus UK recently issued a statement hinting on what they’re doing to address the car’s security weaknesses. Unfortunately, until Lexus deploys universally effective countermeasures across all their markets, it’s likely that some older RX models will remain vulnerable to theft.

5. Toyota Highlander

Perhaps thanks to its heritage of reliability and durability, this is one Toyota truck that car thieves cannot resist purloining. The Toyota Highlander remains a top choice among car thieves, so much so that even the country’s federal justice minister Arif Virani had his government-supplied Highlander XLE stolen not once, not twice, but three times!

6. Honda Civic

The Honda Civic may seem like a strange choice, but car thieves like to steal the Civic because it retains its resale value, even if it’s an older model. It’s also profitable for thieves to strip off a Civic’s parts and sell them to junkyards or repair shops. Some older Civics are still a target, since many of the older models do not have sophisticated security measures to bypass.

7. Jeep Grand Cherokee

This SUV is reliable and a favourite among SUV enthusiasts. Many Canadians use the Jeep as their daily driver, making it a common sight in Canada. That’s why it’s relatively easy to find one to steal. Jeep Grand Cherokees have a reputation for being durable and reliable, so they can be worth a lot on the second-hand market. The 2020 model is particularly favoured by thieves and figures in a lot of thefts in Ontario.

8. Land Rover Range Rover

The theft frequency for the Land Rover is high in Canada and in other countries like the UK. The reason why this SUV is often targeted is that it holds its value well, so it can be sold quickly at a good price.

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As a luxury SUV, the Range Rover is in high demand in the black market, so it often commands a high price, giving thieves a handsome profit. It doesn’t help car owners that the Land Rover has a security system that many car thieves can easily bypass.

9. Chevrolet/GM Silverado/Sierra 1500 Series

These trucks are in a tie for ninth in our list of the cars stolen the most in Canada. They have the common trait of being durable and popular among truck enthusiasts, so thieves can make a quick profit. These trucks have a lot of useful components that are profitable on the black market and have less sophisticated security systems that thieves can easily bypass.

Some owners of these trucks may not lose their entire truck but find that their catalytic converters have been stolen. If you have any of these pickup trucks, be warned that thieves can attempt to steal just their catalytic converter – this component has a lot of valuable metals they can resell. These pickups aren’t the only cars that can have their catalytic converters stolen; car thieves have other favourites.

While you can have them insured, you may also want to enhance your truck’s security features with one of the anti-theft devices for catalytic converters.

10. Jeep Wrangler

There’s lots of places in Canada where truck or jeep enthusiasts can go off the beaten track, and that’s why the Jeep Wrangler is a popular target of auto theft. No thanks to its high demand for an off-road vehicle, the Wrangler remains a favourite target for thieves.

Like stealing the Dodge RAM, the way they usually steal the Jeep is by using an electronic device that can create a copy of the electronic key fob, which thieves simply use to drive away with the Wrangler.

If your vehicle is in our list of cars stolen the most, you may need to take out high-risk car insurance. Find out how this type of coverage works in this guide. 

Going down the list of the cars stolen the most, would it be advisable then to avoid having your car stolen by opting for an older car instead of a newer one?

This is not always the best strategy for preventing your car from getting stolen. Those who believe that the easiest way to avoid having their car stolen is by simply buying an older car are probably unaware that many car thieves prefer older models. They target older cars instead of new ones for a few reasons.

For one, older cars do not have sophisticated security systems, so they’re much easier to break into by smashing a window or jimmying the lock – they can do this to older cars that don’t have alarms.

It’s unlikely for an older car to have GPS tracking or anti-theft features that immobilize the car if it’s broken into and driven away. Older cars are also a better target since car thieves do not intend to sell the old car, but rather strip it for parts, which can be very profitable. Remember, car thieves don’t work like legitimate car dealerships – getting rid of stolen merchandise and quickly turning it into cash is how they operate.

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Car thieves steal a wide variety of cars in Canada, ranging from older models to the latest trucks, reliable daily drivers, and the odd luxury SUV. The insurance industry bears responsibility in mitigating losses from car theft. Insurance companies in Canada can play a vital role in mitigating or preventing the loss of a person’s vehicle in several ways:

1. Providing sufficient coverage

In Canada, specific insurance coverage options are essential to protecting against car theft. Comprehensive car insurance policies in particular can cushion the impact of losses from theft and vandalism. Policies like these can help car owners recover the actual cash value of their stolen vehicles. Without this type of coverage, vehicle owners would otherwise have to bear the financial burden of theft entirely on their own.

2. Offering more efficient claims processing

After a vehicle is stolen, claims processing can be crucial for car owners to find a replacement vehicle. Insurance companies can and should ensure that their claims processing is efficient and effective, and also transparent. Insurers should be clear about claims policies and inform clients of the waiting period, which is actually meant to give law enforcement some time to recover the vehicle.

3. Providing consumer education and theft prevention strategies

Insurance companies can take a proactive approach and help inform car owners of ways to prevent thieves from stealing their vehicles.

Many insurers have taken steps to promote the installation of GPS tracking devices to deter thieves or aid in the recovery of their vehicles in case they get stolen. Others participate in or enact information campaigns aimed at informing consumers about enhancing car security. Insurers can also work with law enforcement agencies to improve vehicle recovery rates and reduce car theft in their communities.

Car theft is a growing problem in many Canadian cities. The best that insurance companies can do is provide the best coverage at rates that are still beneficial for them and their clients. Insurance companies can also collaborate with local authorities to find effective solutions. Together, they can think of ways to reduce the incidence of car theft and increase recovery rates, such as by mounting awareness campaigns for the public.

Car owners meanwhile should do their due diligence and take note of the cars that get stolen the most.

Did you find this list of cars stolen the most in Canada useful? Let us know what measures you will take to protect against car theft in the comments.

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