What it means to step up services as a broker
There is a saying that goes: “It is prosperity that gives us friends, adversity that proves them.” Nothing...
There is a saying that goes: “It is prosperity that gives us friends, adversity that proves them.” Nothing...
“It’s therefore more critical than ever that insurance providers use technology to unlock value and innovate constantly to remain relevant...
Climate-friendly impact investments and those promoting resilience to the damaging effects of climate change are environmentally responsible ways for insurers...
The National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) is reviewing proposals released by the Quality of Advice review, with responses to a...
Fitch Ratings has highlighted that non-life insurers in France are likely to have gone over their natural catastrophe loss budgets...
Economic uncertainties fuelled by mounting inflation and global supply chain delays are weighing into the construction industry – and underwriters...
Excess deaths in Australia for the first five months of 2022 were 12% (more than 8,500 deaths) more...
If there is one conversation that many advisors dread more than any other, it’s the fee conversation — whether it’s...
Electric vehicles, we are often told, are the future. A whole range of carmakers and nations have plans to go...
A newly developed set of catastrophe bond fund indices from Swiss asset manager Plenum Investments clearly shows how, in general,...