Special Ep: Navigating political risk in an era of heightened global tensions

Special Ep: Navigating political risk in an era of heightened global tensions

Today’s podcast is all about the insurance of political risk and violence and we are going to come at this subject from all angles.

This episode is intended to be an all-round masterclass for anyone with an interest in these fascinating and fast-growing specialist lines of business.

Is the world a riskier place and are risks going to remain insurable? And where is most of the new demand of the coming decades going to be coming from? All is examined in detail.

Much has been made of the exceptional number of elections taking place in global democracies in 2024 as another possible source of political complications and conflict.

Africa has also been highlighted as a potentially huge new source of demand, driven by the global transition to net zero carbon emissions and this goal’s need for the rare earth metals that are to be found in abundance in many of its Southern and Eastern States.

But it’s no secret that many of Africa’s most mineral-rich nations with the largest development potential are also places where political stability can be in short supply.

For this reason, I talk to Lara Wolfe, Senior Sub-Saharan Africa Risk Analyst at risk consultancy BMI, which is part of the Fitch Group. (Pictured Top)

This market sounds like the ideal territory for brave underwriters to be operating in and this is where the expertise of Roddy Barnett (Pictured bottom), Head of Political Risks and Trade Credit at Beazley is invaluable.

Finally, with the help of Beazley’s Head of Political Risk and Violence Claims, Alex Hill, (pictured middle) we’ll learn how the political risk product actually works on the.

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I am very pleased with how this first thematic documentary-style podcast has turned out – I do hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

Here’s the link to the Navigating political risk in an era of heightened global tensions report: https://www.beazley.com/en-US/news-and-events/geopolitical-risk-snapshot-2024

There’s a great summary, but I highly recommend downloading and reading it in its entirety.