Sit back, relax, and let’s time-travel through insurance history

Sit back, relax, and let's time-travel through insurance history

Have you ever paused to think about insurance? We mean, REALLY think about it? It’s a wild ride that we’re about to embark on, so fasten your seat belts and join us on this time-travel tour through the exciting history of insurance. When we’re done, you’ll be primed to dive headfirst into the insurance world with King Price!

Way, way, WAY back when

Take a step back to 3,000 BC in ancient China. Hard to picture, right? Here we see merchants playing a primitive form of ‘insurance roulette’ by spreading their goods across different ships to minimise the risk of losing all their valuables in a shipwreck. Clever folks, these ancient merchants!

The Romans… Making insurance cool

Jump to ancient Rome, where ‘burial clubs’ were trending. These were the forerunners of life insurance, where Romans pooled resources to fund funerals and support grieving families. Bet you didn’t expect the Romans to be so darn thoughtful!

Knights, merchants and… Insurance

The Middle Ages, a time of knights, castles, and… Insurance policies? You betcha! Insurance took a giant leap forward thanks to merchants and bankers who formalised marine insurance. Talk about medieval innovation!

Insurance: Now brewing at your local coffee shop

In the seventeenth century, insurance found a cool hangout… Edward Lloyd’s coffee house, which later transformed into the iconic Lloyd’s of London. Who knew grabbing a cup of joe could lead to global insurance domination?

See also  Engagement Ring Insurance

Here comes the insurance revolution

Fast forward to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when the industrial revolution powered up the world, and insurance companies stepped into the spotlight. It’s at this point that insurance really began to rock and roll!

Welcome to the kingdom of simple cheap insurance

And here we are in the twenty-first century, with King Price shaking up the insurance industry. Call us crazy, but we believe that insurance should be simple, cheap, and, dare we say it, fun!

From ancient merchants to the digital age, insurance has been there to keep us safe and secure. Now it’s your turn to continue the journey! Jump on board with King Price’s insurance today. Visit our website for a commitment-free quote and let’s make your insurance journey legendary.

Remember, being prepared is always the best policy.


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Sit back, relax, and let’s time-travel through insurance history


Join us on a fun-filled journey through the history of insurance… From ancient merchants, to the digital era, to King Price’s insurance kingdom today.


The king

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King Price Insurance

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King Price Insurance