Show Me Tell Me Questions 2023

windscreen washers

The Show Me Tell Me Questions are a short, simple, yet important part of your driving test.

In this guide we will be focusing on what should expect from the Show Me Questions if you’re taking your driving test from 2023.

What Are The Show Me Tell Me Questions?

During your driving test, your examiner will ask you two questions: A Show Me question, and a Tell Me question.

When Do Examiners Ask The Show Me Tell Me Questions?

They’ll ask you the Tell Me question right at the start of your test before you even start driving. This is a question where they will ask you how you’d carry out a certain safety task.

Later, at some point during the driving portion of your test, they’ll ask you a Show Me question. This is where they will ask you to actually demonstrate how you’d carry out a certain safety task while on the road.

The ‘Show Me’ Driving Test Questions

There are seven possible Show Me questions, and your examiner will only ask you one.

You should only carry out these actions when it’s safe to do so. But your examiner will likely wait until the coast is clear before they ask you any of these questions.

The show me questions are:

When it’s safe, show me how you’d wash and clean the rear windscreen
When it’s safe, show me how you’d wash and clean the front windscreen
When it’s safe, show me how you’d switch on your dipped headlights
When it’s safe, show me how you’d set the rear demister
When it’s safe, show me how you’d operate the horn
When it’s safe, show me how you’d demist the front windscreen
When it’s safe, show me how you’d open and close the side window

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The UK Government have a short video that demonstrates just what examiners are looking for from each of these questions.

Let’s look at the Show Me questions in more detail.

Show Me How You’d Wash and Clean The Front Windscreen

Though the method for operating the front screen wash can differ depending on the car’s make or model, it’s usually done by pushing or pulling the indicator stick to the right of the steering wheel.

When doing this, keep both hands on the wheel, and just use your fingers to operate the controls.

Show Me How You’d Wash And Clean The Rear Windscreen

As we said above, in most cars, you operate the windscreen wash controls using the indicator stick to the right of the steering wheel.

In most cases, you push it one way to clean the front windscreen, and another way to clean the rear windscreen.

Show Me How You’d Switch On Your Dipped Headlights

This might be the most complicated of all the Show Me Questions. Not because switching on your dipped headlights is difficult, but because the examiner’s actually asking you two questions in one. They want to know that you understand the difference between main beams and dipped headlights, that you can switch between the two, and that you know when to use each.

Read our full guide to the difference between dipped headlights and main beams. This guide also tells you how to switch between the two.

Show Me How You’d Set The Rear Demister

In most cars, the heat controls are situated on the centre console – so, to your left when you’re in the driver’s seat. To set the rear demister, look for a button that resembles some arrows pointing towards a rectangle.

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While doing this, keep one hand on the steering wheel and your eyes on the road.

Can You Show Me How You’d Operate The Horn?

This might be one of the easiest of all the Show Me questions. Just push whichever part of the steering wheel operates the horn. You don’t need to sound the horn for very long. You’re just demonstrating that you know what you’re doing.

As we said, the examiner probably won’t ask you any of these questions unless they feel it’s safe for you to carry out the action. But just in case, make sure there’s nobody around before you sound the horn, or else other motorists might wonder why you’re honking.

Show Me How You’d Demist The Front Windscreen?

Again, the examiner might ask you to demist either the front windscreen, or the rear.

You can read our full guide to demisting your front or rear windscreen. The precise technique will vary a little depending on your car’s make or model. But it’s always a straightforward process. The important thing is that you keep your eyes on the road, and one hand on the wheel, while you start the demisting.

Can You Show Me How You’d Open and Close The Side Windows?

Another easy one. When it’s safe to do so, just push the side window buttons on your door.

You don’t need to fully open and then fully close the windows to satisfy the examiner. Just demonstrate that you know what you’re doing. And when doing so, keep your eyes on the road and one hand on the steering wheel, to maintain control.

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The Tell Me Questions

As well as asking you a single show me question, the examiner will also ask you one tell me question during your test.

Read our full guide to the Tell Me Questions.

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