Renovation Insurance Brokers features at Grand Designs Live London

Renovation Insurance Brokers features at Grand Designs Live London

The Grand Designs Live show in London has shut its doors for another year – and once again thousands of individuals descended on London’s ExCel to be inspired and educated for their current or upcoming building project. In our last blog, we wrote about our pride in being invited to be part of the Ask the Expert session taking place during the show. For our latest article, our Managing Partner Douglas Brown offers his insights and perceptions on an event that included his contribution for the first time.

“Our whole business has been built on offering high value renovation advice to those who need it – so to have the opportunity to do this on a larger scale at the highly regarded Grand Designs event was truly wonderful. The event was incredibly well organised and full of innovative manufacturers and designers; all beautifully presenting their products and approaches for builds and renovation projects of the future.

The exhibition halls were packed – but the Ask the Expert panel area, less so. The opportunity to speak directly to experts from across the spectrum was hugely underutilised.  That was surprising in itself – but even more so was the fact that only individuals who had suffered a serious loss were even thinking about the insurance angle.

Individuals that have experienced an insurance problem, now have their eyes wide open to the risks and vulnerabilities – and rightly wanted to protect themselves this time. But what about for those who didn’t come and see us? Like so many other renovators across the county, with their future renovation, they are sleepwalking into risk.

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We provided our expertise over three days of the show, and had good conversations with over 20 people.  I heard first hand from a couple that had lost everything in a fire to their renovated property that wasn’t covered – and are now having to work tirelessly to rebuild it with no insurance pay-out. They were keen to tell me their story to tell me of the damage that it had done both literally and emotionally, and to tell me they wish they’d understood what was needed to be fully protected.

Thanks for having us Grand Designs Live. We had some very good discussions – but it was clear from speaking to current and future renovators face to face that there is a huge lack of awareness on the insurance requirements and technicalities during a renovation. I was pleased to be able to educate the few on the day, but for the many – our work goes on. I can’t reiterate enough the risks there are to your renovation without the proper insurance in place.” – Douglas Brown, May 2017

You don’t need to wait until the next Grand Designs show to ask our experts about your renovation project and its likely insurance requirements. Give us a call on 08442 641200 to speak to one of our team about your plans – we’d be happy to advise you.