QBE launches renewable energy insurance

QBE launches renewable energy insurance

QBE launches renewable energy insurance | Insurance Business Australia


QBE launches renewable energy insurance

New offering supported by energy rating model for risks


Roxanne Libatique

QBE Australia Pacific (QBE) has launched insurance for renewable energy projects.

The insurance giant described the new renewable energy insurance offering as the “first in the market to offer ‘cradle to grave’ coverage” across renewable energy projects’ lifecycle – from creation to decommissioning. It is also available for existing projects.

“QBE’s purpose is to enable a more resilient future, and we’re pleased to be contributing towards this by aligning our underwriting capabilities with the growing range of companies and energy systems that form part of a rapidly changing energy mix,” Hill said.

Energy rating model

In developing the product, QBE looked to an energy rating model developed by the new AUSPAC Renewable Energy team.

Available across QBE offices across the globe, the model provides risk pricing and enables coverage according to each project’s risk management profile. There is an element of flexibility should the project’s risk management profile change, QBE said.

“Renewable energy projects are often constructed in high-risk locations like flood plains due to their isolation,” Hill said. “Our goal is to point project developers to the specific risk factors they have that lead to a higher premium price and equip them with knowledge on how to mitigate these risks.

“If developers then make changes to minimise their risk profile, we can re-price according to their new lowered risk profile, offering our customers the opportunity to reduce their premiums whilst also reducing their risks.”

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