Prudential No Exam Life Insurance Review

Quick Summary: Prudential is one of the strongest companies selling life insurance. Their SimplyTerm no exam policy has an online application and a quick decision process. Only very healthy people will qualify and the pricing is a little high. It is a stripped-down self-service policy that even the Prudential agents cannot help you with. Worth considering but not a very popular product overall.

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See our in-depth guide about life insurance without the medical exam. Compare more than 20 of the top companies and policies. Find out which is right for you today.

About the Company

Prudential no medical exam life insurance policy

Prudential is a name most people recognize and many trust. They have been in business since 1875 and are have well over 1 trillion in assets under management.

Operating in all 50 states (some places as Pruco), Prudential is oftentimes one of the first companies a life insurance shopper thinks of when they start the process.

Prudential earns high marks from all the major rating agencies including A+ from A.M. Best and AA- from Standard & Poors. They are a company you can trust will be around for a long time.

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About the Policy


$100,000 to $500,000


10, 20, 30 years

Product Name

Term Life Express


$25,000 to $400,000


15, 20, 30 years

Underwriting Process

This no exam product offered by Prudential is done all online and digitally in the majority of cases. They have designed it to be fast and simple.

To be approved you must be in very good health. Only Preferred underwriting classes will qualify for the SimplyTerm policy.

After submitting your application, several checks will be automatically run against databases to verify your information. These include:

Motor Vehicle Report Prescription DatabaseMedical Information Bureau

The Medical Information Bureau, or MIB, is a service that insurance carriers subscribe to. They share information on past life insurance applications and denials. 

What this means:

If you recently got denied for life insurance at a different company because of a high-risk health condition, you won’t be able to hide that from Prudential even if you are skipping the medical examination.

Medical Records

Most approvals will come automatically. In some cases, the underwriting department may reach out to you for clarification on an item in your file. However, they will not request to see your medical records. If you aren’t a fit for the SimplyTerm product, you’ll be presented options for Prudential’s other term products such as Term Essential.

Decision Time

Decisions and approvals on SimplyTerm no exam life insurance come quick, typically within 48 hours if they don’t require clarifying questions. 


Simple application and fast approval process.

Terms offered as long as 30 years without a medical exam required.

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Premiums are more expensive than other no exam products on the market.

Must be in excellent health to qualify, will only consider Preferred health classes.

Quotes can be difficult to obtain. 

Agents are not permitted to help and answer questions, fully self-service product.

Extras, Options, and Details

SimplyTerm does not have any riders or options. It pays out a death benefit to the beneficiary equal to the face amount of the policy. 

Between $100,000 and $500,000 the coverage can be increased in increments of $25,000.

Tobacco users may only apply for the 30-year-term up to age 45. For 10 and 20-year terms, the maximum issue age will remain 50.

 SimplyTerm is the only Prudential term product that cannot be converted to permanent life insurance. If having that option down the road is important to you, this is not a good fit.


The premiums for this Prudential no physical exam product are on the high side compared to what competing insurance companies are offering for no medical exam insurance. 

It can be hard to get an actual quote because the product is only sold directly from Prudential but if you call, their own agents can’t help you with it. They may try to push you over to a different product which they are able to sell. 

How to Find the Best No Exam Policy

These days they are quite a few options for no exam life insurance and the coverage amounts are increasing.

How do you know which is best for you? 

You have started researching which is great! Make sure to compare not only price but the financial strength of the company and its underwriting guidelines. The lowest price shown is often NOT the best one for you since you must qualify. 

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You will save yourself lots of stress and time by applying at the correct company the first time.

The best way to do this is to work with an independent agency that is:

:first-child{color:rgb(57,181,74)}.thrv_symbol_11942 [data-css=”tve-u-170d44222e8″]{margin-top:-20px!important}.thrv_symbol_11942 [data-css=”tve-u-170d44222e5″]{margin-bottom:0px!important;margin-top:-10px!important}.thrv_symbol_11942 [data-css=”tve-u-170d44222e6″]{padding-bottom:0px!important}.thrv_symbol_11942 [data-css=”tve-u-170d44222e7″]{max-width:59.2%}.thrv_symbol_11942 [data-css=”tve-u-170d44222ef”]{max-width:40.8%}.thrv_symbol_11942 [data-css=”tve-u-170d44222e9″]{font-size:30px;width:30px;height:30px;margin-top:-8px!important;padding-left:10px!important;padding-right:15px!important}}@media (max-width:767px){.thrv_symbol_11942 [data-css=”tve-u-170d44222f1″]{float:none;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important}}]]>Unbiased and not obligated to any particular life insurance company.Has access to all the top no exam products as well as some niche products for certain people/situations.Is a specialist in the no exam area.using an independent life insurance agent to maximize pensions benefits through the addition of a life insurance policy

No Pressure. No Cost.

This is precisely what we do. 

Our agents specialize in life insurance only and will learn about you to find the best and cheapest no exam life insurance for your situation. Every. Time.

If you’d like to have a no-pressure discussion, get started by filling out the quote form and comparing non-med quotes.