Every day, manufacturing businesses are tasked with staying efficient, profitable, and on schedule. Because there’s a lot to manage, having the right insurance coverage is essential.

Our Manufacturers Premier coverage extensions combine everything you need into one complete package. And they’re customizable, so they can be as unique as the business you run.

Ready to assemble the right coverages for your manufacturing business? Explore our premier product offerings.

Manufacturers Property Premier
This coverage extension features a multi-tiered approach to help you choose the right property protection to align with your needs. Choose customized limits of $50,000, $150,000, $250,000, or $500,000. Each option provides more than 70 important property, business income, and crime coverages, while allowing you to tailor coverage to your individual needs. Additional highlights include:

17 key manufacturing coverages
11 blanket property coverages
27 additional property coverages and extensions, including foundations, underground pipes, flues and drains, marring and scratching, building ordinance A, B, and C, and water discharge
10 blanket business income coverages
4 additional business income coverages and extensions, including off-premises mobile equipment and crisis event coverages
4 blanket crime coverages, including employee theft, forgery or alteration, money and securities
3 additional crime coverages and extensions, including robbery or safe burglary, computer and funds transfer fraud, and money order and counterfeit money fraud

Manufacturers Liability Premier
This coverage extension offers exceptionally broad and competitive liability coverages manufacturers, like you, value most. Coverage highlights include:

15 types of additional insureds, including primary and non-contributory and waiver or transfer of rights
17 coverage extensions
4 additional coverages with significant limits, including employee benefits liability, electronic data liability, unmanned aircraft, and voluntary property damage expense
Optional coverages include limited pollution and product withdrawal expense

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Run a small manufacturing operation? We have coverage extensions with smaller limits for those, too. Ready to learn more about tailored coverage for manufacturers and our Premier offerings? Talk to one of our local, independent agents.