Patons Insurance say ‘happy retirement’ to two long serving members of staff

Patons Insurance say ‘happy retirement’ to two long serving members of staff

The end of March sees two long-serving members of staff leave our company and go on to retirement.

Fiona, who has worked at our Dundee branch for 28 years, and Maria, who has worked at our Liverpool branch for 7 years, are both leaving us to put their feet up and have a well-deserved break!

We’re really sorry to see them go and they will both be massively missed by their respective teams and everybody else in the company, who will always remember their huge smiles and infectious laughs.

Ahead of their retirement, our Operations Director Jo Noonan said: “I can’t believe the time has come that we have to say goodbye to both Fiona and Maria, it won’t be the same without them both here.

“It has been an absolute pleasure to work with them both for so many years and I wish them the very happiest of retirements (even if I am slightly jealous) as they both truly deserve to turn off their 6am alarm and put their feet up!”

Before they leave it was only right to give them one last task… to tell us about their time here at Patons and what their plans are for retirement.



I started out at Patons working in the living room of my house, where I had Taxi Drivers knocking at my door looking for insurance!

Eventually I approached Patons and told them I knew of a premises that would be perfect for setting up an official Dundee branch as I had worked in the building previously for another company.

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Patons took my advice and bought the space, but unfortunately there was a delay moving in as the previous company had gone into liquidation. I eventually moved into the building, and we are still here to this day.

Initially I had no phone which meant I had to spend most of my days in the phone box opposite the office speaking with our Glasgow team to transact business. I also had to call on favours from the accountants next door for photocopying. They actually thought I worked there!

The highlight of working for Patons for me was starting from fresh and getting to where we are now as well as working with a lot of different people over the years. Patons has changed dramatically over the years, but have always kept the customers’ journey at the forefront.

I will miss colleagues and customers. At times things could be challenging but that was part of the fun!


Plans for the future

I’m starting a new chapter in life. In my retirement my main priorities will be looking after my granddaughter and the rose bush.

I’ll give my husband a few weeks of having me around before he is knocking on his old employer’s door and asking for his job back!



Since starting in May 2017, I have enjoyed coming to work every single day. Everyone I’ve worked with over the years has made me feel like I am part of an extended family which is something I really like.

The highlight of working for Patons is all the people I have worked with over the past 7 years. I’ve especially enjoyed the fun and tears shed in laughter we have shared. I’ll definitely miss the camaraderie and time spent with my team.

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Plans for the future

I’m looking forward to going on lots of holidays, moving into my new house, spending my time with the family (especially the grandkids!), and lastly being able to stay in bed if I want to.

I will make sure I keep you all updated with my new adventures.

It has been so much fun working with everyone!


Final goodbye

Fiona & Maria, we wish you both well and hope you both enjoy every minute of retirement. Kick back and put your feet up as you both deserve it massively!