Owner Says He Just Wants His School Bus Back After Punks Take It On A Joy Ride

Owner Says He Just Wants His School Bus Back After Punks Take It On A Joy Ride

Image: Mario Tama (Getty Images)

Being young makes you do dumb things. Some of these things are usually allowed to pass, like staying out too late partying or sneaking out to see someone you’re dating. But stealing a school bus that a community needs to get kids to school just to take it on a joy ride is on the “You should know better” level. But that’s what’s happened in Michigan. Detroit’s WXYZ reports teens stole a school bus for a joy ride and haven’t returned it.

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Authorities are searching for what they say is a group of teens who stole the bus from EllaMin’OP Transportation Company. Owner Darelle Beaver says one of his drivers dropped the school bus off on June 10th at the intersection of two streets he and the driver agreed on. Beaver was finishing up another job and was going to head to the location to pick up the bus. But when he got to the there, the bus was gone. “I contacted the driver and he told me exactly where he left it and it wasn’t there so I started doing research asking if anyone saw the bus and no one seen the bus,” Beaver told WXYZ. The driver admitted that he accidentally left the keys inside the bus.

Beaver began doing everything he could to find out just where his bus went. He took to social media to ask around locally if anyone had any information. He finally got his answer. “I start receiving inboxes basically saying, it is some kids that are joy riding my bus. And when I did the research, I actually seen them on my bus on their Instagram page,” he says.

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Going to the alleged thieves Instagram page, Beaver says he saw a video of a group of teens living it up with his bus, joy riding with it and dancing on top of it. So far the bus hasn’t been returned and police haven’t located the thieves.

Surprisingly Beaver isn’t mad and doesn’t want the teens arrested. Being a mentor at a local juvenile detention center gave him his point of view. “I go to juvenile detention and I DJ for them when they turn 18 years old. I actually help them get their license, help them actually start a career with CDL training, so most definitely, I don’t want them to be locked up behind this so just change,” Beaver says. “I was a kid before, I understand they were just having fun. Just return the bus. Just return the bus and be careful because it is not a toy.”