Not addressing diversity issues creates risk for brokers, survey finds

Multiracial workplace celebration.

Nearly all Canadian brokers agree addressing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues is linked to business success, according to a late 2021 Canadian Underwriter online survey of 208 brokers across Canada, made possible with the support of Sovereign Insurance.

It found 91% agree brokers see DEI practices as important.

Organizations with no diversity within their senior leadership, however, were less likely to take that view. And 19% of firms in that category believed they could be successful without addressing diversity. Noted one respondent with 20 years in the business: “We hire based on best qualified. See no risk in that.”

But the 91% of brokers who said failure to address diversity harms business outcomes cited several concerns:

Losing good employees – 47%
Losing access to the best new talent – 46%
Reputational risk and image management – 32%
Risk of homogeneity or group think – 30%
Losing clients or customers – 28%
Falling behind the competition – 21%
Risk of overconfidence or loss of creativity – 17%

More than three quarters (77%) of brokers said their firms provide some level of encouragement for diverse applicants. Again, the number is higher (97%) for firms with diverse leadership.

The most frequently mentioned methods are highlighting diversity on the firm’s career site (27%) and within job descriptions (22%), and advertisement of open positions through diverse channels and job boards (23%).

What’s more, 21% of brokers said their firms strive to create diverse hiring and interview panels.

Eighty-four per cent of employees surveyed at most Canadian brokerages said their firms engage in practices aimed at encouraging diverse talent, including:

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Flexible work hours and days, and working from home – 51%
Celebrating anniversaries and milestones – 47%
Onboarding processes designed to make new employees feel welcome and valued – 45%
Investing in training – 38%
Leadership promotions from within – 32%
Regular check-ins with leadership and supervisors – 29%
Competitive compensation that keeps pace with other offers – 29%
Exit interviews to understand why people leave – 25%
Compensation reviews to ensure pay equity – 24%
Toxic hires are terminated, regardless of level or other value to the organization – 20%.

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