nib teams up with health services provider

nib teams up with health services provider

nib teams up with health services provider | Insurance Business Australia

Life & Health

nib teams up with health services provider

Program offers three components

Life & Health

Roxanne Libatique

nib Group (nib) has teamed up with Osara Health (Osara), a cancer health services provider, to provide tailored health coaching programs for nib members being treated for cancer.

Co-founded by radiation oncology specialist Raghav Murali-Ganesh, Osara offers people advice on the side effects of cancer treatments and diet, exercise, and wellbeing to boost their health while being treated for cancer. It also provides access to a digital platform and community.

a health coach to provide guidance and support as nib members get cancer treatment and manage its mental health impacts
digital resource modules
an app to connect with a community and manage treatment

“nib is increasingly working towards delivering programs that offer personalised care, and services that help members stay well,” said Ed Close, chief executive, Australian residents health insurance, at nib. “We offer a range of tailored programs that give members options, from chemotherapy at home to free bowel screening services for our members in New Zealand. Osara fits with our ethos of offering care options and helping members get better sooner.”

Osara Cancer Coach benefits

According to Osara’s research, 32% of people who joined the Cancer Coach program reported better pain management, another 32% reported better quality of life, and 53% reported better fatigue management.

Additionally, 73% of people who completed the Osara Cancer Coach program are more likely to return to work post-diagnosis.

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“We developed a personalised care experience, wherein the Cancer Coach program can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each participant,” Dr Murali-Ganesh said. “Whether that means accessing specific information and trusted research, help with mental health, or insights into accompanying health outcomes, our goal is to empower patients to make changes that put them in control of their health.

“Osara delivers information and education that is endorsed by a clinical team consisting of oncologists, researchers, and experts in our field.”

“The program is personalised for each nib member,” said Dr Rob McGrath, chief medical officer at nib. “A coach will check in regularly with the nib member to address symptom tracking, talk through progress on health-related goals, and provide support on the impact of a diagnosis or provide help around the navigation of additional services. We know that can make a difference to the way someone receiving treatment might cope.”

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