Nebraska DMV Launching Modernized VicToRy System

Nebraska DMV Reminds Customers to Be Aware of Scams

Rhonda Lahm – Director                                Adam Eakin – Project & Information Manager

(402) 471-3900                                               (402) 471-3930                



October 7, 2019


Nebraska DMV Launching Modernized VicToRy System


LINCOLN – On October 15th the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will go live, as promised to customers, with a modernized vehicle registration and titling system. VicToRy replaces a program in place since the early 1990s. Developed by FAST Enterprises, it will be used to register over 2.5 million vehicles annually and collect nearly $720 million in titling and registration revenue for state and local entities. Given the importance of this system, updating and maintaining its integrity is essential to the functioning of all levels of government within the state. Work began in March 2018 in conjunction with all 93 County Treasurers, the State Auditor and State Treasurer offices, the Nebraska Association of County Officials, business partners, and other key stakeholders.


“We are excited to deliver the VicToRy system on time and on budget to replace the current aging system,” said Rhonda Lahm, Director of the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles. “The project has been an incredible example of stakeholders reaching across traditional barriers to deliver a successful system. Working closely with our partners in County Treasurer offices and other state agencies has allowed us to deliver a product to meet our collective needs. I would particularly like to note the support of John Ewing, Douglas County Treasurer, for contributing full time staff to VicToRy from the beginning. Rachel Garver, Lancaster County Treasurer, also made a significant contribution, dedicating long-term team members to the project. Equally significant sacrifices have been made by numerous counties, committing weeks of time and dedicating resources to making VicToRy a success.”

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The modernized system will expand online services with one of the new features being the ability to check the status of specialty plates online. Organizations using fleet services will be able to complete registrations online with a new streamlined process. VicToRy will also deliver a number of unseen efficiencies, such as automating manual processes, thereby reducing the opportunity for errors. There will be fewer and more simplified forms for customers to complete. The modernized system also promises to deliver a number of enhancements aimed at improving fraud prevention and detection.


“We are looking forward to growth opportunities and how we can enhance and improve the customer experience through the modernized system,” said Betty Johnson, Administrator of the Driver and Vehicle Records Division. “Extensive training and testing was carried out by hundreds of users and we are grateful for their hard work. After training, the learning curve continues and may impact the service customer’s experience for a short time.”


