NDIA establishes expert group to enhance NDIS for children

NDIA establishes expert group to enhance NDIS for children

NDIA establishes expert group to enhance NDIS for children | Insurance Business Australia

Life & Health

NDIA establishes expert group to enhance NDIS for children

Experts to target policy, practice, and processes

Life & Health

Roxanne Libatique

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has established a Children’s Expert Advisory Group to enhance the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for children and their families.

This newly formed group includes several of Australia’s leading early childhood specialists.

NDIA to collaborate with Children’s Expert Advisory Group

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten said the new advisory group will collaborate with the NDIA to co-design improvements to the NDIS. These improvements are based on recommendations from a recent review endorsed by the government, identifying key areas to ensure children with disabilities and developmental delays receive necessary support.

Key recommendations include:

providing families with access to best practice supports
streamlining access to the NDIS
improving coordination between the NDIS and other systems such as education

“We know that early childhood supports are critical to kids getting the right start in life, and the NDIS Review told us that we need a much more holistic and connected system of support,” Shorten said. “It’s fantastic to have a group of people with such diverse and relevant experience on board to help shape changes to NDIA policy, practice, and process and make sure our kids are flourishing.”

Sylvana Mahmic – NDIS Independent Advisory Council
Skye Kakoschke-Moore – Children and Young People with Disability Australia
Yvonne Keane – Reimagine
Samantha Page – Early Childhood Australia
Gretchen Young – SNAICC National Voice for Our Children
Jenny Karavolos – Australian Autism Alliance
Morgan Fitzpatrick – Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention Network
Professor Sharon Goldfeld – Centre for Community Child Health
Dr Tim Moore – Centre for Community Child Health
Professor Valsamma Eapen – University of NSW
Sebastian Langdon-Macmillan – Member Youth Steering Committee
Ellen Gould – NDIS Independent Advisory Council Reference Group member

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The Australian government introduced the NDIS Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 earlier this year to implement the review’s recommendations. The advisory group will play a crucial role in shaping changes to NDIS policy, practice, and processes.

Children’s Expert Advisory Group’s goals

The newly formed group’s goals include:

offering expert advice to the NDIA on strategies to enhance participant experiences
aiding in the engagement and co-design of NDIS improvements
helping the NDIA communicate clearly with children, families, and carers about the NDIS

The NDIA will seek feedback from other stakeholders, including direct participant experiences.

Skye Kakoschke-Moore, CEO of Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA), expressed support for the advisory group.

“The NDIS provides vital support to children, particularly in the early years, but we know the scheme can be difficult to access and navigate,” she said. “We look forward to working with government to ensure reforms meet the needs of our community, and result in the best possible outcomes for children and young people.”

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