Medical Powers of Attorney: Basic Qualities It is Essential to Have


No one likes to think of death, but it will happen to all of us. We only have so much time on earth, and then our life is over. It is essential to have a will, but something more is necessary. An individual rendered senseless by a stroke, or other accident cannot relay what type of care is desired to a healthcare provider. A living will communicates a person’s instructions, but there must be an intermediary. The person who will tell the medical staff what is expected has medical powers of attorney. This individual has a life-or-death power.

Not Just Anybody

Group legal plans will draft medical powers of attorney, but it is the individual’s responsibility to select who will be given this authority. However, there are some qualities anyone who has medical powers of attorney should have:

It Does not Need to Be a Family Member. There are situations where someone outside of the family would be better.
That Person Needs to Be Nearby. If the medical disaster strikes, whoever has medical powers of attorney should be close enough to be at the hospital in a matter of hours.
Excellent Communication Skills. Must be able to communicate the medical treatment the victim wants. This can include faith-based restrictions on care. Additionally, the recipient of medical powers of attorney must stand their ground if there is any opposition.
Trust. Can this person be trusted to do what is necessary? That is critical because your life hangs in the balance.
Some Knowledge of Medical Procedures. Someone who has an idea of healthcare and medical procedures is necessary. A valuable quality is a willingness to learn what needs to be before an emergency happens.

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A group legal plan member requires the assistance of an experienced attorney to draft the necessary papers. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services uses skilled legal professionals to prepare the medical powers of attorney.

Using the Very Best

A Countrywide group legal plan benefit uses a nationwide network of attorneys dedicated to helping. Our lawyers give priority status to a plan member and provide the best pre-paid legal services. There is a Countrywide lawyer in the community of every one of our clients.

A Countrywide lawyer will go over the medical power of attorney document and answer all the group legal plan members’ questions. Patience is a virtue, and our attorneys have an elevated level of empathy. Suggestions on what kind of person should have this extraordinary power are offered with the understanding that the plan member makes the final choice.

The Client Is There

Our pre-paid legal services are intended to help with common legal issues. We ask the prospective client to assist us in drafting a benefit that serves all the workforce. Each of our pre-paid legal services is explained, and we welcome all the questions the decision-makers might have. Then, the client decides what benefits will be part of the benefit. Countrywide’s responsibility will be administering the benefit and the member services. We maintain a close rapport with all our clients to ensure there are no problems. We are proud of the way our lawyers treat plan members. Courtesy and respect are never an option; they are part of the pre-paid legal services package!

Medical powers of attorney take an enormous burden off the shoulders of loved ones; it means the tough decisions can be made without drama or emotion. Medical powers of attorney guarantee that what a person specifies in their living will be performed.

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If you have any questions about our group legal plan benefits, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We have services that anyone in your organization can use, and we would welcome a chance to explain them.