Marketplace Logging in Issues, Given the Run-Around.

Healthcare Marketplace plan quality changes based on income?

So , the short of it. Someone on their end , somewhere along the way, entered the wrong email for my marketplace account. I have health insurance so no problem there, it’s primarily with being able to log into my account, should I need to manage it , in the future. However, many moons ago when I first signed up, in an account I no longer use, is somehow, still there although dormant or inactive, or whatever, and using my email, which I need in order to update my log in information. When they try to update the wrong email, with MY CORRECT email, they keep getting the message, “that email is already being used”, and we know that two people can’t have the same email. Okay.

So, I say, “well why can’t you just delete the dormant account, that’s not being used, then I can update my email,? etc etc. “NO, we can’t do that.” Actually , first they said no, then they said maybe, then 8 people said they saw that there were two accounts, one that is the active one-with the wrong email, and one that is the dormant one-with my correct email, and apparently it takes an act of God, to delete the dormant one. Fine.

Then I start talking to possibly the 10 person, in the “Escalation” department. My thought is, “thank God, some tech people, that can fix this”,….but no. Then the facts start changing, details that I was told about my account, suddenly, this other account that several people told me was there, is now not there, the email we need to use is there, the way it was explained, seemingly hovering in internet space in their system with no name attached it, but MY NAME WAS ATTACHED TO IT BECAUSE 8 PEOPLE TOLD ME SO, and now it’s not?!. Same message , “email being used”, and suddenly my name isn’t attached to it. 8 people told me that , they saw the two accounts, clearly two accounts, one inactive-and using my email and name, and the active one. Here’s what she said which really upset me, “we can’t delete an email without a name attached to it”, my name WAS attached to it, so what happened? Someone removed my name from the email I needed , so it couldn’t be deleted? I hate being given the run around, and I really hate being deceived. It’s one thing to not be able to do something because you can’t, and entirely another not to delete it because you, won’t. So they can delete my active account, to create another one, but they wouldn’t delete the account I needed them to delete, to retrieve my email, why? I kept thinking, “they must have a tech department, that handles these things?” They don’t. All this crazy speculation, and conjecture , for 20 minutes with this woman, about , “maybe the two accounts are somehow attached, imbedded to each other, “, then she says, “gee I hope someone else doesn’t have access to your email,, that could be a real security issue” it took all I had not to scream into the phone, “TWO PEOPLE CAN’T HAVE THE SAME EMAIL”, but I didn’t . All I said was, that I was going to have to call my tech guy, find out if he thinks I have anything to worry about, all because this person, who probably -honestly just got caught in the middle of something , and only doing her job, doesn’t really have the power to do anything. She said, “Oh, I”M NOT the one, that would delete the account” which means, the department, that really resolves these issues, you never speak to -EVER.

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And that’s the other thing. My active account was working at one point, and then it wasn’t.

These are my two options I was told. Delete the entire account, and create a new account, I’m reassured that my health insurance will still be in place, it’s just to get into, in order to manage your account, so they say, I don’t believe them. Or create a new email. Which I really didn’t want to do, because if they can’t seem to straighten this out, they most logical way it would seem would make sense, so that there was just one account, then I’m forced to create a third account, further complicating the whole thing, and possibly now having 3 accounts? I was trying to avoid creating an email specifically for the healthcare marketplace which I mostly likely will have to do, but I’m also concerned about them having my information, not much I can do about that. I’m actually thinking of creating a new email account for my primary email account, because I don’t trust them with the information. Maybe I’ll just create the new email, only use it for the Marketplace, and create an entirely new email-for my primary account so that I’m not up nights worrying about my primary email sitting in their data base.

Even the woman who was helping me said the same thing I was thinking, that no matter which way you turn it , it doesn’t make sense. And who’s to say, that after I reset the email, or create an entirely new account, that’ that’s going to work? I was also, just thinking of forgetting the whole thing, until next year, I’m not moving , or changing my name, changing my income status, just wait till December 2023, and create an entirely new account. If that’s even possible?

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Anyone else have this problem?