Life Insurance for Diabetics on Sulfonylureas

life insurance for diabetics taking sulfonylureas

When applying for life insurance, the likelihood of being approved for a policy – as well as the premium price of the coverage – will be dependent on many different factors. These will include the age and health condition of the applicant, as well as whether he or she takes various prescription medications.

There are a lot of people in the United States that assume that they can’t get approved for coverage because of their health or a pre-existing condition that they have. Don’t let any health complications keep you from getting the life insurance protection that your family deserves. Depending on your health, it can be difficult to find an affordable plan that will give your family the money that they need if something tragic were to happen to you.

One health condition that is looked at somewhat closely is type 2 diabetes. This is because this condition – if left untreated – can lead to more severe issues, such as kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. One of the medications that is used in helping to manage and control type 2 diabetes is sulfonylureas.

When taking such medications and applying for life insurance with type 2 diabetes, the underwriters will want to know more information – and, depending on the carrier chosen, it could have an effect on their decision. This is why it is important to work with a company or agency that can help to point you in the right direction first. This is where we can help.

How Can Sulfonylureas Effect a Life Insurance Application for Coverage?

Sulfonylureas were one of the initial medications that were developed for the treatment of diabetes back in the 1940s. Sulfonylureas work in bringing an individual’s blood glucose level down by raising the amount of insulin that is produced by the beta cells that are located in a person’s pancreas. This medication is sold under the brand names of Amaryl, DiaBeta, Micronase, and Glucotrol.

When taking sulfonylureas, it is important that an individual eats meals regularly so as to keep their blood sugar as regular as they possibly can. The key reason for this is because the medication will cause one’s beta cells to produce insulin throughout the entire day. Therefore, skipping meals can cause an individual’s glucose level to drop too low, which can, in turn, result in hypoglycemia. Therefore, it can often help for an individual who has type 2 diabetes and who is taking sulfonylureas to stick to a regular mealtime schedule – even if they are not hungry.

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Because many type 2 diabetic medications can have an effect on an individual’s health and medical condition, it is important that the life insurance underwriters know as much as possible about what it is that you are taking. Therefore, it is likely that you will be asked many questions about your type 2 diabetic condition, as well as about any sulfonylureas that you are on.

What Will the Insurance Underwriters Want to Know?

Applying for life insurance will require the completion of an application for coverage. Here, an individual will be asked personal details such as their contact information and health history, as well as details regarding any other life insurance that they may have in force. There are also questions on this application about whether or not they engage in “risky” activities, such as skydiving or scuba diving, as this could have an effect on the approval for coverage.

For those who have type 2 diabetes and who take sulfonylureas, there will typically be additional questions to answer. These may include some or all of the following:

When were you initially prescribed with sulfonylureas for your type 2 diabetes?
What was your initial dosage of this medication?
Has your dosage of sulfonylureas changed over time?
How, or how well, is this medication helping you to manage or control your type 2 diabetes?
Are you controlling and / or managing your type 2 diabetes in any other manner, such as through diet and / or exercise?
What are your most recent A1C levels?
What are your most recent blood sugar levels?

You will also likely be required to undergo a medical exam. This will take only about 30 minutes. During this exam, you will meet with a paramedical professional who will take a blood pressure and heart rate reading, as well as a blood and a urine sample.

The life insurance underwriters will also likely wish to review your medical records. These will need to come either from your primary care physician or from any specialist that you see due to your type 2 diabetes (or from both).

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Once all of your information has been received and reviewed, the life insurance company will at that point be able to make a determination about your life insurance coverage, as well as regarding an appropriate premium price.

How Much Will Your Life Insurance Cost?

The premium that is charged for life insurance is determined based on a multitude of different factors. When reviewing the application of someone who has type 2 diabetes and who is taking sulfonylureas, and if it is determined that – other than your diabetes – that your health is good, you may be qualified for a Standard rate. If this is the case, then your premium will likely be in line with someone who is an average policyholder. If, however, you are rated as a Substandard, and then the price will be higher.

If, however, your life insurance coverage as a diabetic is declined, you could opt to apply for a no medical exam policy. In this case, there is no medical exam as a part of the underwriting process. Because of this, many people who have certain health issues can still qualify. And, although the premium price is usually higher than that of a comparable medically underwritten plan – it could be the only viable alternative for getting the insurance protection that you need.

Where to Find the Best Premium on Life Insurance for Diabetics on Sulfonylureas

Life insurance is the best purchase that you’ll ever make for your loved ones. It’s one of the few ways that you can ensure that your loved ones will have the money that they need if something tragic were to happen to you.

Every insurance is different, and all of them are going to give you different rates depending on which company that you use. Every company has different medical underwriting, which means that you’ll get drastically different rates depending on how the company views your sulfonylureas. If you want to ensure that you’re getting the best life insurance plan possible, it’s important that you get dozens of quotes before you decide which one is best for you.

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Because there are so many companies on the market, you could spend days contacting different companies. Instead of wasting all of your time, let one of our agents do all of that hard work for you. We are a group of independent insurance agents, which means that we work with dozens of highly rated companies across the nation. Our agents have years of experience working with all types of clients and companies. We know which companies are going to offer you the best rates based on your health and your specific situation.

When seeking life insurance for diabetics on sulfonylureas, we can help. We work with many of the best life insurance carriers in the industry today, and we can assist you in determining which of these is more apt to work with someone who has type 2 diabetes. If you need help finding life insurance with type 1 diabetes, we are here to help you as well! When you are ready to move forward, just fill out the form on this page. Regardless of your health or any pre-existing conditions that you have, it’s possible to get life insurance coverage. Even if you’ve ever been declined for life insurance, it’s possible to find a company that will give you quality protection.

Should you find that you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us directly. We can be reached via phone, toll-free, by dialing877-801-4402. We know that finding the right life insurance plan may seem difficult – but the truth is that even if you have diabetes and are taking sulfonylureas, there are still many choices that you have. So, contact us today – we’re here to help.

You never know what life’s going to throw at you tomorrow, which means that you shouldn’t wait another day to get the life insurance protection that your family deserves. If something were to happen to you, and you didn’t have life insurance, your family would be stuck with a mountain of debt. We know that you don’t want to think about something tragic happening to you, but not having life insurance is one of the worst things that you could do for your family.