Is an Electrical Installation Condition Report required for sports clubs?

Is an Electrical Installation Condition Report required for sports clubs?

One of the most overlooked areas of a sports clubs, or any workplace, is the electricals. Be it alarms, security systems, lighting, emergency lighting, sensors or meters; electrical components need regular checks and possible updates.

An Electrical Installation Condition Report, or EICR, is used by landlords, insurers and owners to reflect the overall condition of workplace electrics. Similar to an MOT for your club’s electrical installations; an EICR (electrical installation condition report) checks over your wires, meters, isolators and lighting. An EICR reviews the longevity of these components, and also whether they are inline with the Electricity at Work Act (1989).

After an electrical system inspection, the inspector will provide you and your club with an electrical installation condition report which details any changes you may or may not need to make. This will include Fixed Wire Testing, Hard Wire Testing, and PAT Testing (portable appliance testing).

How often should my club have an electrical inspection?

Routine checks of electrical systems should be performed annually. But the recommended minimum length of time between a major inspection of the electrics of publicly accessible buildings is 3 years. (However this can differ for certain clubs include swimming clubs).

The length of time can change depending on alterations to regulations which may require an update to your workplace electrical systems.

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If you have any knowledge of electrical faults and have not arranged an inspection, this could affect your insurance. The best way to stay financially secure is to discuss with your broker. At Club Insure we are able to arrange an inspection and report as well as inform you of all the paperwork you require in order to remain correctly and comprehensively insured.

What is the aim of an electrical installation condition report?

The inspection will be of all of all of your sports club’s accessible electrical parts and will include testing of 20% of the sub mains and final circuits, subject to any agreed limitations.

There are five main aims for an EICR:

Record the results of the inspection and testing to make sure the electrical installation is safe to be used until the next inspection (following any work needed to make it safe)Find any damage and wear and tear that might affect safety, and report it.Find any parts of the electrical installation that do not meet the IET Wiring Regulations.Help find anything that may cause electric shocks and high temperatures.Provide and important record of the installation at the time of the inspection, and for inspection testing in the future.

Is an EICR mandatory for sports and social clubs?

The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) states that all employers are responsible for health and safety in the workplace and an often-overlooked area of this is the electrics in and around the workplace.

Damage to electrical systems brings risk to employees and visitors of the workplace, therefore it is important for clubs to have a report of their systems outlining that their systems are in good condition. Maintaining safe electrical installations helps prevents injury and fires. Regular checks will often be referred to within a club’s insurance policy terms, hence an accredited inspection is mandatory.

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How do I arrange an EICR for my club?

Contacting Club Insure will be the quickest way to get your club financially safe and protected. We will be able to arrange an inspector to come and carry out an electrical installation conditions report on your sports club and social club. We will also keep you update on new health and safety regulations as your dedicated insurance broker.