Insurers Must Thank & Educate its Personnel

Insurers Must Thank & Educate its Personnel

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The insurance industry has been less than effective in training its personnel. Their employees, whether in claims, underwriting or sales, are hungry for education and training to improve their work in the industry.

Insurers without sufficient personnel to make a classroom training program practical have available options. If the insurer desires to honor its employees who wish to improve their knowledge and skills can do so inexpensively by adding to each employee’s library a complete insurance library by internationally recognized insurance coverage, claims handling, fraud, and insurance law expert and author, Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE.

If funds are not available for training vendors can be willing to assist. Although vendors are usually prohibited from making gifts to the insurer’s employees they may agree to donations to the insurer of educational materials that will help the employees improve their abilities for acknowledgement of the presentation.

Every insurer, insurance syndicate, insurance brokerage, insurance sales agency, insurer branch office, and vendors to the insurance industry should add to the libraries of their various offices or employees.

To add to the professionalism of the staff of insurance professionals, the insurer should make available to each the following books that are available at reasonable prices from, the American Bar Association, Thomson Reuters, or Full Court Press, written by Barry Zalma. Details about each book are available at Barry Zalma’s Insurance Claims Library at

The Compact Book on Ethics for the Insurance Professional
The Compact Book of Adjusting Property Insurance Claims – Third Edition
The Compact Book of Adjusting Liability Claims – Third Edition
How to Acquire, Understand, and Make a Successful Claim on a Commercial Property Insurance Policy
The Tort of Bad Faith
The Equitable Remedy of Rescission
Insurance Fraudsters Deserve No Quarter
The Examination Under Oath to Resolve Insurance Claims
Insurance Fraud – Volume I and Volume II
Construction Defects and Insurance Second Edition (8 volumes)
Insurance Fraud Costs Everyone
California SIU Regulations 2020
California Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations 2022
Zalma’s Mold & Fungi Handbook
Zalma on Insurance Claims – Third Edition (ten volumes)
Mold Claims (two volumes)
Several True Insurance Crimes Novels and Novellas
From the American Bar Association

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Getting the Whole Truth: Interviewing Techniques for the Lawyer
The Commercial Property Insurance Policy Deskbook
The Insurance Fraud Deskbook
Diminution in Value Damages

From Full Court Press

The Insurance Law Deskbook
California Insurance Law Deskbook
Zalma on Property and Casualty Insurance
Insurance Bad Faith and Punitive Damages Deskbook

From Thomson Reuters

Property Investigation Checklists Uncovering Insurance Fraud, 13th Edition

Details about each book available at the Insurance Claims Library at

In addition you should make available the following free services: the podcast Zalma On Insurance at; Zalma’s Insurance Fraud Letter at; Mr. Zalma is on Twitter at; Barry Zalma videos are available at at; Barry Zalma videos on YouTube- at; Read posts from Barry Zalma at and GTTR at;  the podcast Zalma On Insurance at

Subscription Services

You can subscribe, for only $5 a month or $50 a year, to special videos from “Zalma on Insurance” at; and “Excellence in Claims Handling” at

On Line Training

Mr. Zalma, for a fee, will prepare a full Excellence in Claims or Excellence in Insurance training program. If interested in a specialized, directed to your needs alone training program, contact Mr. Zalma at or 310-390-4455.


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About Barry Zalma

An insurance coverage and claims handling author, consultant and expert witness with more than 48 years of practical and court room experience.