ICA, NFIA to building owners: Ensure regular inspections as summer approaches

ICA, NFIA to building owners: Ensure regular inspections as summer approaches

ICA, NFIA to building owners: Ensure regular inspections as summer approaches | Insurance Business Australia

Insurance News

ICA, NFIA to building owners: Ensure regular inspections as summer approaches

Council emphasises the significance of regular inspections in insurance policies

Insurance News

Jonalyn Cueto

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) and the National Fire Industry Association (NFIA) are advising the owners of buildings and apartments to look out for updates on fire protection safety as well as verify maintenance checks for commercial, industrial, and residential buildings in the lead-up to the summer season.

“Neglecting to undertake legally required inspections, testing and maintenance leaves businesses and property owners vulnerable to substantial financial and safety risk,” said Joe Smith, CEO of NFIA. “I want to stress to building owners and managers that these procedures are far more than just a box-ticking exercise. These safety checks are key safeguards for buildings and its residents when conducted by adequately trained and certified professionals.”

In a news release, the ICA emphasised the importance of fire safety inspections of buildings to ensure fire prevention measures, including checking the availability and functionality of fire exits, sprinkler systems, alarms, and fire extinguishers, as it is part of the requirements in many insurance policies. That is, the policyholder could find themselves without insurance cover for damage to their property or contents if a building has been found to have not undergone the required inspections.

“Regular building and fire protection maintenance should be prioritised as we head into the warmer summer months. We know this season can lead to complacency when it comes to fire safety measures, including barbecue fires, overloaded electrical outlets, and kitchen mishaps,” said Kylie Macfarlane, COO of ICA. “It is incumbent on building occupants and owners to ensure relevant inspections and testing of fire related safety equipment are completed by industry professionals. Conducting these routine checks not only ensures the safety of lives and the integrity of properties but also aligns with the requirements of many commercial and strata-title building insurance policies.”

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