How Trade Credit Insurance Links With Invoice Finance

How Trade Credit Insurance Links With Invoice Finance

How Trade Credit Insurance links with invoice finance…

Are you a business that gives payment terms to your customers? 

Do you pay your suppliers on shorter payment terms than you give your customers? 

Maybe you have to pay your suppliers on 10 day terms but your customers don’t pay you for 30 days? 

Perhaps you have Invoice Finance funding in place to plug this working capital gap? 


What if the customer doesn’t pay? 

Invoice discounting protects you from late payment, but it offers no protection against non-payment. If the customer goes out of business, it will be taken out of your facility balance. 

Have you thought about taking it one step further by protecting your debts owing as well as funding them? 

You don’t have to buy protection for bad debts from your invoice finance provider!


Your Invoice Finance provider will fund typically up to 90% of your invoice value.  

Well, guess what? Here at Konsileo we can structure a Trade Credit Insurance policy that will protect up to 90% of the value of your debts too! 

We can source policies that protect against the risk of customer insolvency and payment default for both domestic and export customers.  

Is Political Risk or Pre-delivery of concern?  

As a specialist trade credit broker we can ensure the policy is tailored for your needs, whether this is on a whole turnover, named buyer, or single risk basis.  

You can protect your working capital cycle as well as funding it, ensuring bad debts do not impact your ability to pay your suppliers. 

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Gaining valuable knowledge about your customers and your sector, as well as the economy. 

And don’t worry, your Finance Provider can be named on your policy giving comfort knowing you have protection in place. 

Want to find out more?   

Contact Maggie Brotherson for any Trade Credit enquiries on 07497 199 978 or email at