How To Teach Your Puppy To Sit

french bulldog being taught how to sit on a pink wooden floor with a pink backdrop

Posted on June 5, 2023 at 3:51 pm

Getting a new puppy is really exciting, and you’ll be keen to head off on new adventures together. But before you can do that you need to bond with your new furry friend and build a good relationship, and one of the best ways to do that is to teach them some basic commands. Socialising your puppy can help them be resilient and cope with unknown situations and ensures they’re happy and confident, wherever you take them, and training is an important part of this.

The Benefits Of Training Your Puppy

Once they have been trained how to sit, wait and come back when called you can have much more fun together; you can enjoy seeing them have some freedom secure in the knowledge that they’re safe and will obey you if needed, for example, if they see another dog and get excited, or you’re near a busy road and you need them to stay calm. Dogs are also intelligent and like learning new things, it helps to keep them both mentally and physically stimulated. It’s also a fun way to communicate with them.

Tips For Training Your Puppy

There are a few things to remember when training your puppy:

Time – choose a time when your puppy isn’t too tired, or has just eaten, especially as dogs respond well to treats.
Place – do the training somewhere your dog feels comfortable, away from any distractions.
Break it up – break the training up into lots of little sessions, rather than one big training session.
Be patient – just like humans, dogs learn at different speeds.
End on a high – finish each session with something that your dog already knows so that you both come away feeling positive.
Enjoy it – it’s supposed to be fun.

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an owner teaching his puppy how to sit

Teach Your Puppy To Sit – A Step-By-Step Guide

Step One – hold a treat in your hand and let your dog sniff it.
Step Two – move the treat over your dog’s nose and over the top of their head.
Step Three – as your dog lifts its head to follow the treat, their bottom should go down on the floor.
Step Four – as soon as they sit down, praise them and offer a treat.
Step Five – once they’ve mastered this, try offering a treat in the other hand.
Step Six – once they start sitting for longer, you can start using the verbal cue ‘sit’, and swap the food for a hand signal, such as raising your palm to your shoulder. Remember to reward them when they do it correctly.
Step Seven – once your dog can do this you can start phasing out the reward, but of course still praise them. You could maybe just reward them when they sit down quickly, eventually stopping the treat altogether.

Insuring Your Puppy 

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We offer a variety of cover levels, so please check the policy cover suits your needs before purchasing. For your protection, please ensure you read the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and policy wording, for information on policy exclusions and limitations.

Tags: dog, dog ownership, Dog Training, pet, pet health, puppy

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