How to Manage Medical Expenses on a Budget There Are Various Ways to Do It


According to a recent study, nearly 60% of Americans have struggled to pay medical bills in the past year. With the inflated cost of healthcare, it’s no wonder so many people are struggling to keep up with their medical expenses. If you are one of the millions of Americans who are struggling to pay your medical bills, do not worry—you are not alone. Here are some tips on how to manage your medical expenses on a budget.

Know what you are responsible for. When you receive a bill from your doctor or hospital, it is important to read it carefully so that you know what you are responsible for paying. Often, there will be three charges: the doctor’s fee, the facility fee, and the lab fee. If you have insurance, you may only be responsible for paying a portion of these charges. If you do not have insurance, you will be responsible for paying the entire bill.
Call and negotiate. Once you know what you are responsible for paying, call the doctor’s office or hospital and ask if there is any way to negotiate the bill. In many cases, they will be willing to work with you if you explain your financial situation.
Set up a payment plan. If you cannot afford to pay your bill in full, ask the doctor’s office or hospital if they are willing to set up a payment plan for you. In most cases, they will be willing to do this if you agree to make regular payments over an extended period.
Use coupons and discounts. Many times, doctors’ offices and hospitals offer discounts for cash payments or for patients who are willing to pay their bill in full within 30 days. Be sure to ask about any discounts that may be available to you so that you can save money on your medical expenses.
Seek Outside Help. There are places to go to get some help with bills, but employers can be the best avenue to that support. Financial wellness has become a great concern for many             employees, and a benefit that assists a person with money matters is appreciated.

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Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services enable the client organizations employees to receive expert advice on financial wellness issues.

Dealing with Professionals

The Countrywide network of certified counselors provides group plan members an opportunity to work with a seasoned veteran. There is one in the community of every client

Our counselors give the best advice on financial wellness. Those people will show any plan member how to budget for medical expenses. Counselors will share tips on how to manage medical expenses. People appreciate the help, and they learn things about financial wellness they did not know before.

Working with the Client

We tell a prospective client about all our services and the organization’s management selects those options that will be part of their financial wellness plan. Countrywide includes the choices in the plan document, and we provide administration and member services.

We maintain a close relationship with all our clients. Transparency is important to us, and we resolve problems quickly whenever we learn about them. Countrywide can be relied upon to respond to any plan members problem’s with empathy and respect. Emotional intelligence is a quality we look for whenever we recruit a new Countrywide attorney.

If you are struggling to pay your medical bills, do not despair—you are not alone. With a little effort and some negotiation, you should be able to manage your medical expenses on a budget without too much difficulty. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is ready to help. Please feel free to contact us at your convenience to learn more about our financial wellness plan