How to Have a Successful Career in Insurance Agency Sales

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There is in fact a recipe for success in the insurance agency sales game. It takes a certain mix of personality traits as well as specific sales skills to be successful. 

You need to be good with other people, especially strangers. You need to not only appear reliable and trustworthy, you need to have the actual moral fiber to act in a way that portrays both of these character traits. These character traits help you to build confidence and rapport with both your prospects and your clients. And if you can build a strong rapport with your prospects as they progress through your insurance agency sales pipeline, they will turn into long-term clients. 

You also need to know your insurance products and the ways in which your insurance agency offers them, packages them, and how this approach differentiates your agency from your competitors. Beyond just specific insurance agency sales knowledge, you also need some general sales know-how. Things like portraying yourself in a professional manner with a polished dress style and refined communication abilities, and the ability to make strangers feel like old friends go a long way towards building your agency’s client list. 

These are some of the points that we delve into in this article. This is how to have a successful career in insurance agency sales. 

Excellent People Skills

First of all, you need to be good with people. Some people are naturally outgoing, while others find this terrifying and overwhelming. If you find yourself in the latter boat, this isn’t an insurmountable challenge. 

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There is one particular piece of advice that will help you get over the hurdle of being uncomfortable around strangers: just fake it until you make it. 

Shy, introverted people have an especially hard time in sales because they tend to be more uncomfortable around strangers and thus perform poorly when meeting new people. But you don’t need to remain this way if you’re not naturally inclined to being a “people person.” Just start living what you think is the life of an outgoing person, and eventually you will start behaving that way. 

Do things like introducing yourself to everyone you have any sort of interaction with on a daily basis. This includes the gas station clerk, the bagger at the grocery store, even your Starbucks barista. After a few weeks of doing this, you’ll notice that these interactions don’t seem so frightening anymore. Once the initial anxiety subsides and the sense of self-consciousness dissipates, these conversations will feel more natural and fluid. Use these new skills to connect with prospects to boost your insurance sales efforts.

Be Reliable and Trustworthy

Second, you need to be reliable and trustworthy. You can fake being outgoing until you make it, but if prospects feel like they cannot depend on you to follow through with what you say, then your career in insurance agency sales will stumble very quickly. 

Your insurance agency has to maintain its integrity with each prospect or client it serves. You will need to be trustworthy in order to build rapport quickly with your prospects, because if you’re not they will likely not feel comfortable being open and honest with you. This is why portraying key character traits like reliability and trustworthiness are so critical. Be someone that your prospects can count on and trust, and your insurance sales will reap the results. 

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Build Confidence and Rapport With Your Prospects

Thirdly, you need to provide the confidence that your prospects are looking for in an insurance agent. This starts by building rapport quickly with them, by finding areas of relatability. This mutual interest is the making of a successful insurance sales relationship. 

You do this by asking meaningful questions and forming a connection with the answers your prospects give you. 

Know Your Insurance Products

Fourth, you need to have an intimate knowledge of your insurance products and services, so that you can advise your prospects correctly. The last thing you want to do is to try and sell your prospects on something that benefits you the most, but ends up leaving them with a less than ideal policy. 

This would hurt your credibility as an insurance agent and diminish your client’s trust in you. Being informed about what’s available in the market allows you to better inform potential clients about the best insurance policies and coverage for them personally. They will take notice and appreciate your efforts to help them get the best insurance policy available for their unique situation. 

You’re the insurance agent, so prospects are looking to you for information about insurance. So use this informational advantage to your benefit and be the person they turn to when questions arise. 

Differentiate Your Agency from the Competition

Fifth, you need to differentiate your agency from the competition in an effective way, so that your clients and prospects will see value in what you have to offer. This is why it’s critical for you and your agency to have an upfront, transparent process for how you do business. 

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This makes it easy to identify with your prospect’s needs and provide them with information about why they should choose you over one of your competitors. They will see the value in what you are offering, which may be more than what they are currently receiving from their current insurance provider. 

Be Professional and Trustworthy in Your Demeanor

And lastly, always be professional and trustworthy in your demeanor. You never know who can tell someone else about what they experienced with you during a meeting or phone call. This is why it’s important to always put forth your best effort every time you conduct business. 

Always go above and beyond for your prospects, because when they talk about their experience with you it will be in a positive light. It’s these positive interactions that build trust and rapport faster than anything else. 

You want to approach every insurance sales meeting in a way that is professional and above all trustworthy. They don’t just need to know what you’re offering, they need to know that you can be trusted with their valuable information and their money. 

InsuredMine Can Help Your Succeed in Insurance Agency Sales

The last piece of advice for having a successful career in insurance agency sales is to use the right tools. When it comes to your insurance CRM, InsuredMine is that right tool. With an abundance of automation and sales tools, especially automated insurance sales tools – it’s not a secret why InsuredMine is the #1 insurance CRM on the market. We invite you to try InsuredMine for free today and experience the last ingredient to your winning insurance agency sales recipe.