How to Find the Best Companies for Term Insurance

How to Find the Best Companies for Term Insurance

When securing your family’s financial future, choosing the right term life insurance policy is crucial. With so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which company offers the best coverage, rates, and customer service. This guide will help you navigate the process, ensuring you find the best term life insurance company to meet your needs.

How to Get The Best Term Life Insurance

Finding the best term life insurance involves more than just comparing premiums. You’ll need to consider factors such as the company’s financial stability, customer service, policy options, and additional benefits. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you get started:

Assess Your Needs: Determine the amount of coverage you need and the length of the term. Consider factors such as your income, debts, and the financial needs of your dependents.Research Companies: Look into various insurance providers to understand their offerings, reputation, and financial health.Compare Policies: Evaluate different policies based on coverage, premiums, exclusions, and additional features.Read Reviews: Customer reviews and ratings can provide insights into the company’s customer service and claims process.Consult a Professional: An insurance advisor can offer personalized advice based on your specific needs and financial situation.

Understanding Term Insurance

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance that provides coverage for a specified period, typically ranging from 10 to 30 years. If the policyholder passes away during the term, the beneficiaries receive the death benefit. Term life insurance is often preferred for its affordability and simplicity compared to whole life insurance, which provides coverage for the policyholder’s entire life and includes an investment component.

Key Benefits of Term Life Insurance:

Affordable Premiums: Term policies generally have lower premiums than permanent life insurance.Flexibility: You can choose the term length that fits your needs, such as the duration of your mortgage or until your children are financially independent.Simplicity: Term life insurance is straightforward, with no investment components or complex features.

Types of Term Life Insurance:

Level Term: The death benefit and premiums remain the same throughout the policy term.Decreasing Term: The death benefit decreases over the term, usually aligning with a decreasing debt like a mortgage.Convertible Term: Allows policyholders to convert their term policy to a permanent policy without a medical exam.Renewable Term: Offers the option to renew the policy at the end of the term without a medical exam, though premiums may increase.

Best Term Life Insurance Companies In 2024

Choosing the right term life insurance company is critical. Here’s a detailed look at some of the best term life insurance companies in 2024:

1. Protective

Protective is known for its affordable premiums and flexible policy options. They offer a variety of term lengths ranging from 10 to 40 years and the option to convert to a permanent policy without a medical exam. Protective’s policies often come with additional riders, such as accidental death benefit and child term rider, which allow you to customize your coverage. Protective has a strong financial rating from AM Best, reflecting its reliability and financial strength, and it is also highly rated for its excellent customer service.

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2. Nationwide

Nationwide offers competitive term life insurance policies with customizable options to suit different needs. Their term lengths range from 10 to 30 years, and they provide additional riders like accelerated death benefits, waiver of premium, and child term insurance. Nationwide is renowned for its robust financial stability and excellent customer satisfaction, as evidenced by high ratings from agencies like AM Best and J.D. Power. Their user-friendly online tools and comprehensive customer support make it easy to manage your policy and get assistance when needed.

3. Legal & General

Legal & General (also known as Banner Life) provides low-cost term life insurance with flexible term lengths from 10 to 40 years and substantial coverage amounts to up to $10 million. They are recognized for their financial stability with strong ratings from AM Best and their straightforward application process. Legal & General also offers a conversion option to permanent insurance without requiring a medical exam. Their policies can be customized with various riders, including accelerated death benefits, which allow policyholders to access a portion of the death benefit in case of a terminal illness.

4. Bestow

Bestow is a modern insurance company that simplifies the process of obtaining term life insurance. They offer a fully online application process with instant coverage decisions, and most applicants do not need to undergo a medical exam. Bestow provides term lengths of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years with coverage amounts ranging from $50,000 to $1.5 million. Their user-friendly platform and quick, hassle-free application process make Bestow ideal for tech-savvy individuals looking for a convenient insurance solution. Bestow partners with North American Company for Life and Health Insurance, ensuring strong financial backing and reliability.


SBLI (Savings Bank Life Insurance) is known for its affordable premiums, excellent customer service, and strong financial ratings. They offer term life insurance policies with term lengths ranging from 10 to 30 years and the option to convert to a permanent policy without a medical exam. SBLI also provides additional riders such as accelerated death benefits, children’s insurance rider, and waiver of premium. With over a century of experience in the insurance industry, SBLI has built a solid reputation for providing reliable and customer-focused insurance solutions.

6. Pacific Life

Pacific Life offers competitive term life insurance policies with various term lengths, typically from 10 to 30 years, and coverage amounts that can meet a wide range of needs. They are highly rated for their financial strength and customer service, with consistently strong ratings from agencies like AM Best. Pacific Life also provides additional riders, including accelerated death benefits, waiver of premium, and a conversion option to permanent life insurance without a medical exam. Their policies are designed to be flexible and customizable, making it easy to tailor coverage to your specific needs.

7. Midland National

Midland National is recognized for its flexible term life insurance policies and strong financial ratings. They offer term lengths from 10 to 30 years and coverage amounts that can be customized to suit different needs. Midland National provides a range of additional riders, such as accelerated death benefits, accidental death, and waiver of premium, allowing policyholders to enhance their coverage. With a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and a solid financial foundation, Midland National is a reliable choice for term life insurance.

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8. Transamerica

Transamerica provides affordable term life insurance with a variety of term lengths ranging from 10 to 30 years and coverage amounts up to $10 million. They offer additional riders such as living benefits, which allow policyholders to access a portion of the death benefit in case of a terminal illness, and waiver of premium. Transamerica has a strong financial rating and is known for its extensive range of insurance products and reliable customer service. Their policies are designed to be flexible and customizable, ensuring you get the coverage that best suits your needs.

9. Ladder

Ladder offers a unique approach to term life insurance, allowing policyholders to adjust their coverage online as their needs change. They provide term lengths of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years, with coverage amounts ranging from $100,000 to $8 million. Ladder’s application process is entirely online and does not require a medical exam for most applicants, making it quick and hassle-free. Their flexible policy management allows you to increase or decrease your coverage as your circumstances change, ensuring you always have the right amount of protection.

10. John Hancock

John Hancock offers competitive term life insurance policies with additional wellness programs and discounts through their Vitality program. They provide term lengths of 10, 15, 20, and 30 years with coverage amounts up to $65 million. John Hancock’s policies include options for converting to permanent insurance without a medical exam and various riders such as accelerated death benefits and disability waiver of premium. Their strong financial ratings and commitment to customer service make John Hancock a reliable choice for term life insurance.

11. Symetra

Symetra is known for its affordable premiums and strong financial ratings, with consistently high ratings from agencies like AM Best. They offer term life insurance policies with term lengths of 10, 15, 20, and 30 years and coverage amounts that can be customized to suit different needs. Symetra provides additional riders such as accelerated death benefits, waiver of premium, and conversion options to permanent insurance without a medical exam. Their commitment to customer service and financial stability makes Symetra a dependable choice for term life insurance.

12. Lincoln National

Lincoln National offers a range of term life insurance policies with competitive premiums and strong financial ratings from agencies like AM Best. They provide term lengths of 10, 15, 20, and 30 years with coverage amounts up to $10 million. Lincoln National’s policies include options for converting to permanent insurance without a medical exam and additional riders such as accelerated death benefits, waiver of premium, and accidental death benefits. Known for its reliable coverage and excellent customer service, Lincoln National is a trusted name in the insurance industry.

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13. Corebridge Financial

Corebridge Financial (formerly AIG Life & Retirement) provides affordable term life insurance with flexible options and strong financial ratings. They offer a variety of term lengths from 10 to 30 years and coverage amounts up to $10 million. Corebridge Financial provides additional riders such as accelerated death benefits, waiver of premium, and accidental death benefits, allowing policyholders to enhance their coverage. With a solid reputation for comprehensive insurance products and excellent customer service, Corebridge Financial is a reliable choice for term life insurance.

Researching Top Term Insurance Companies

Researching top-term insurance companies involves several steps to ensure you make an informed decision. Here are some tips to help you in your research:

Check Financial Ratings: Look for companies with strong financial ratings from agencies like AM Best, Moody’s, and Standard & Poor’s. This indicates the company’s ability to pay out claims.Explore Policy Options: Investigate the different term lengths, coverage amounts, and additional riders offered by each company.Compare Quotes: Use online tools to compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the best rates.Read Reviews: Customer reviews can provide insights into the company’s customer service and claims process.

Comparing Coverage and Premiums

When comparing term life insurance policies, it’s essential to evaluate both coverage and premiums. Here are some factors to consider:

Coverage Amount: Ensure the policy provides enough coverage to meet your financial obligations and protect your dependents.Premiums: Compare premiums for the same coverage amount and term length to find the most cost-effective option.Additional Riders: Consider any additional riders that can enhance your coverage, such as accelerated death benefits or waiver of premium.Policy Terms: Look for policies with flexible terms and the option to convert to a permanent policy if needed.

Reading Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings can offer valuable insights into an insurance company’s reputation and service quality. Look for reviews on independent websites and forums to get an unbiased perspective. Pay attention to comments about the application process, customer service, and claims handling. High ratings and positive reviews can indicate a reliable and trustworthy company.

Seeking Professional Advice

Consulting a professional insurance advisor can help you make an informed decision. An advisor can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and financial situation. They can also help you navigate the complexities of different policies and ensure you get the best coverage at the best price.


Finding the best companies for term insurance involves thorough research, careful comparison, and sometimes professional advice. By considering factors such as coverage, premiums, customer reviews, and financial ratings, you can ensure you choose a policy that provides the best protection for your family’s future. Whether you opt for a traditional insurer like Nationwide or a modern provider like Bestow, the right term life insurance policy will offer peace of mind and financial security for years to come.