How to Cancel a Whole Life Insurance Policy

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Quick Facts

Canceling a whole life Insurance policy can be done at any time and for any reason
The policyholder will receive a refund of the premiums they have paid minus any fees or charges
Depending on the terms of the policy, you may need to provide written notice of your cancellation, but it might be possible to cancel over the phone or online

Whole life insurance policies can provide valuable financial security for you and your family in the event of your death. However, if circumstances change or you no longer need coverage, canceling a life insurance policy may be necessary.

This guide will explain the process of how to cancel a whole life insurance policy, as well as considerations to keep in mind when making this important decision.

Knowing when to cancel and understanding all associated costs can help ensure that you make an informed and beneficial choice for yourself and your family.

How exactly does whole life insurance work?

When you buy whole life insurance, you will be required to pay premiums either monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the insurance company.

These payments are used to fund the policy and provide coverage. In the event of your death, the death benefit is paid out tax-free to your named beneficiaries.

Permanent life insurance also accumulates cash value over time, which you can borrow against if needed. Understanding all of these features is important before choosing a life insurance company. 

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How to Cancel a Whole Life Insurance Policy

If you have decided that whole life insurance cancellation is the best option for you, there are several steps to take in order to do so:

Contact your insurance company. Let them know of your intention to cancel the policy. Provide all requested documents, such as a copy of the policy and any other relevant information to support this request. It’s important to keep copies of all communication between yourself and the insurer throughout this process.
Pay cancellation fees. Check with your provider about any applicable cancellation fees or other charges associated with terminating coverage before it reaches maturity. Also, ask about how long it will take for these costs to be refunded, if applicable. Your company may also impose additional surrender charges, so it’s important to be aware of these before moving forward.
Receive confirmation. Once all fees have been paid, and the paperwork is in order, you should receive a confirmation letter from the insurance company stating that the policy has been successfully canceled. It can take some time for a refund to be processed, so remain patient during this part of the process.
Monitor your credit report. We recommend that you monitor your credit report regularly after completing the cancellation process. This will help ensure that there are no inaccurate or unwanted items reflected on your report as a result of canceling your life insurance policy.

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Surrendering a whole life policy is not an easy decision and should always be done with careful consideration. However, if done properly, it can be an effective way to manage your finances and ensure the financial security of you and your family.

When to Cancel Whole Life Insurance

When making the decision to cancel life insurance, it is important to carefully consider your individual circumstances and long-term financial goals.

While there are many potential benefits to having an active life insurance policy, such as providing tax benefits and financial protection for your family in the event of your death, there may be times when canceling a policy is the best option.

For example, if you recently retired or have other sources of income that can provide support for your dependents should something happen to you, then canceling an existing policy might make sense.

Additionally, if you find that the premiums associated with your policy are too high for you to comfortably afford on a regular basis, or if the policy cash value has decreased significantly over time, then you may want to explore other options that can better fit your budget.

In addition to your personal financial situation, it is also important to consider any potential tax implications that could arise if you were to cancel a policy. The amount of money received from the cash surrender value of a life insurance policy, as well as any interest earned, are both taxable incomes.

Before making any decisions, consult with a financial advisor or accountant who can help you understand and plan for these potential tax liabilities.

What are some other options instead of canceling whole life insurance?

Instead of canceling a whole life insurance policy, several alternative options may be available to you:

Conversion: One option is to convert your policy into term life, which provides coverage over a certain period of time and does not include the accumulation of cash value. This could potentially provide lower life insurance rates for those who do not need long-term protection.
Reduce the value: Another option is to reduce the death benefit amount while keeping the policy in effect. This can reduce the monthly life insurance payments while still providing some financial protection should you pass away.
Transfer: You may also want to consider transferring ownership of your existing policies to a new company if you find cheaper life insurance rates or an insurer that provides more options. Use our guide to compare rates from the best whole life insurance companies near you.
Gift the policy: Finally, if you feel that your policy is no longer necessary or appropriate for your current situation, you can consider gifting it to a family member or friend who may need coverage. This could be especially beneficial if they are unable to secure insurance through other means.

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No matter which route you choose, it’s important to discuss your options with a licensed financial advisor to ensure that any changes are in your best interest. Ultimately, canceling a whole life insurance policy should never be taken lightly, so take time to understand all associated risks before making a decision.

When done properly and with careful consideration, canceling a whole life insurance policy can help you save money while also protecting the needs of yourself and your family.

Why is it challenging to cancel a whole life insurance policy?

Canceling a whole life insurance policy can be a difficult decision and presents several challenges. The first challenge is the long-term commitment inherent in whole-life policies.

As these types of policies are designed to last for the duration of your life, there may be significant penalties or costs associated with canceling them before their maturity date.

When you cancel a policy, you usually forfeit any accumulated cash value that it has acquired over time, which can result in a substantial loss of money if you’ve been paying premiums for many years.

Furthermore, there could also be tax implications depending on when you decide to cancel the policy. If you choose to surrender a policy in exchange for its cash surrender value, there may be federal or state taxes due based on the amount of money you receive.

Before making any decisions, it’s important to understand when life insurance is tax-deductible and how it will affect your finances.

Finally, if you decide to cancel a whole life insurance policy, make sure that there are no other policies in place that could possibly cover what was previously covered by the canceled policy. However, it’s important to double-check that another form of financial protection is available should the need arise in the future.

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Do you get money back when canceling life insurance?

Can you cash out a whole life insurance policy? When surrendering a life insurance policy, the amount of money you will receive back depends on several factors. Generally speaking, if you have any type of term life insurance, you are not eligible to receive any funds back upon cancellation.

However, if you have a whole life or universal life policy that includes a cash value component, then cashing out whole life insurance may be an option. The amount received can vary depending on the type of policy and the length of time it has been in effect.

Policies with longer terms or higher premiums typically have greater cash values since more funds were paid into them over their duration. In such cases, you may be able to surrender your policy for its cash surrender value (CSV).

CSV is an amount that the insurance company pays as a portion of your total premiums paid, plus any interest earned on the account over time. Learn more about when life insurance can be cashed out.

You may also be able to borrow against the policy’s cash value in order to receive a lump sum payment or to use it for other purposes. In some cases, you can even transfer ownership of a policy and have someone else assume responsibility for the premium payments while still receiving its benefits.

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How to Cancel a Whole Life Insurance Policy: Final Words

Canceling a life insurance policy is a decision that should be taken seriously and evaluated based on your individual financial circumstances. Before making any decisions, it is important to consider all of the implications associated with canceling a policy, such as potential tax liabilities or lost benefits.

Working with an experienced financial advisor can help you weigh the pros and cons of canceling a whole life insurance policy and determine which strategy best fits your needs.

Moreover, make sure to read through your existing policy’s paperwork carefully before taking any action. This will ensure that you are familiar with all of its terms and conditions and can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for you in the long term.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you cash out whole life insurance?

If you cancel your whole life policy, you will typically receive some or all of the premiums you have paid into the policy, plus any interest accumulated over time.

Do you get your money back if you cancel your life insurance?

The amount of money you receive when canceling a life insurance policy depends on several factors, including the type of policy and how long it has been in effect. Typically, if you have a term-life policy, you are not eligible to receive any funds back upon cancellation.

Can you withdraw your whole life insurance?

Yes, you may be able to withdraw from a whole life insurance policy. Depending on the terms of your policy, you may be able to surrender it for its cash value or borrow against it in order to receive a lump sum payment or use it for other purposes. It is important to read through your policy’s paperwork carefully before taking any action.

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Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about life insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything life insurance-related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by life insurance experts.

Rachael Brennan has been working in the insurance industry since 2006 when she began working as a licensed insurance representative for 21st Century Insurance, during which time she earned her Property and Casualty license in all 50 states.
After several years she expanded her insurance expertise, earning her license in Health and AD&D insurance as well. She has worked for small health in…

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Written by

Rachael Brennan
Licensed Insurance Agent
Rachael Brennan

Benjamin Carr worked as a licensed insurance agent at State Farm and Tennant Special Risk. He sold various lines of coverage and informed his clients about their life, health, property/casualty insurance needs.
Assessing risks and helping people find the best coverage to suit their needs is a passion of his. He appreciates that insurance was designed to protect people, particularly during times…

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Benjamin Carr

Former State Farm Insurance Agent

Benjamin Carr