How Many Cases Of MonkeyPox Virus Are There In The U.S.? Plus Over 31 Monkey Pox Outbreak Statistics For 2022!

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As of right now, there is only 1 confirmed case of monkeypox in the US, so the MonkeyPox virus is not considered a global health emergency. However, there has been a multi country monkeypox outbreak which means that it should be taken lightly. We all know what that turns into…COVID19.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the Monkey Pox virus, whether your health insurance will cover vaccinations, and what you need to know about it. Plus, we’ll give you some interesting stats about the virus. So, if you’re interested in learning more about MonkeyPox, keep reading!

Top Monkey Pox Outbreak Statistics:

Number Of MonkeyPox Cases In America

How Many Cases Of Monkeypox In The US Have Been Confirmed In 2022?

There has only been one verified monkeypox case in the United States, while four more probable ones exist: two in Salt Lake City and one in New York City and Broward County, Florida. However the World Health Organization is saying that the virus can be contained.

Did The U.S. Have A Monkeypox Outbreak In 2021?

Yes, two individuals were diagnosed with the monkeypox virus in 2021 after returning from Nigeria to Texas and Maryland, respectively.

When Was The Monkeypox Virus Infection First Detected In America?

According to the CDC, the first case of the Monkeypox virus outbreak in the United States occurred nearly 20 years ago, infecting 47 people.

Is The CDC Monitoring People In The US For The Possible Rare Monkey Pox Virus?

Yes, six people in the United States are currently being monitored for monkeypox infections.  After sitting near an infected traveler from Nigeria to the UK that exhibited symptoms. The news of this has affected communities around the U.S. Health care workers have also been on high alert, watching for any signs of the virus.

Monkeypox US Statistics By State & Year

What States Have Monkeypox In North America?

Since 2003, almost 40 cases of monkeypox a type of (high consequence pathogens), have been confirmed and documented in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin; last year, the states of Texas and Maryland were added to the list. In 2022, the state of Massachusetts was added. Below we go over each year and which states had monkeypox patients.

Confirmed Monkeypox Infection In Massachusetts On May 18th, 2022!

On May 18, 2022, a United States citizen returned to the United States from Canada and became ill with monkeypox. As of May 18, 2022, no new monkeypox cases have been reported in the United States. In early-to mid-May of this year, several countries outside of Asia that do not regularly report monkeypox reported multiple clusters of the disease; these include Europe and North America.

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Confirmed Monkeypox Virus In Maryland On November 16th, 2021

On November 16, 2021, a confirmed monkeypox case was identified in a resident of the United States who had recently returned from Nigeria. The CDC collaborated with state and local health officials and airline and travel industry partners to identify persons who might have come into contact with the patient.

Confirmed Monkey Pox Virus In Texas On July 15th, 2021

On July 15, 2021, a confirmed case of human monkeypox was reported among a citizen of the United States who traveled to the country from Nigeria on two commercial flights. CDC assisted state and local health officials in identifying more than 200 individuals who had possible contact with the patient by providing assistance.

47 Confirmed & Probable Cases Of Monkeypox In April of 2003

In 2003, there were forty-seven confirmed and probable cases of monkeypox reported from six states—Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. All individuals who became ill in this outbreak had contact with pet prairie dogs. Pets were infected after being kept close to imported little mammals from Ghana. This was the first time that human monkeypox had been reported outside of Africa.

What Caused The 2003 U.S. Outbreak?

Investigators determined that a shipment of animals from Ghana, imported to Texas in April 2003, introduced the monkey pox virus into the United States. Approximately 800 tiny animals, including six distinct rodent species, were found in the container.

What Type Of Mammals Caused The 2003 Outbreak Of Monkeypox?

In 2003, rope squirrels, tree squirrels, African giant pouched rats, brush-tailed porcupines, dormice, and striped mice caused an outbreak of monkeypox. The outbreak occurred after they were imported into the United States, and some of the infected animals were housed near prairie dogs at the facilities of an Illinois animal vendor. These prairie dogs were sold as pets before they developed signs of infection.

Where Is MonkeyPox Found & Origin Statistics For 2022

What Is Monkeypox Virus?

Monkeypox is a rare viral infection that has similarities to human smallpox. Fever, and flu like symptoms, body aches, headache, muscular pains, tiredness, and a rash that begins on the face and spreads to the rest of the body are symptoms of monkeypox. The rash generally starts as tiny red bumps that later develop into pus-filled blisters. Monkeypox can be transmitted from infected animals such as monkeys, rats, or squirrels through contact with their saliva, blood, or skin.

Where Did Monkeypox Come From?

The virus was first discovered in laboratory monkeys in 1958 and subsequently identified in humans in 1970. Monkeypox is now present in numerous African countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, and Suda. Despite its name, monkeypox does not usually spread from monkeys to people.

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How Do You Get The Monkeypox Virus?

You get the monkeypox virus through contact with an infected animal’s blood, body fluids, or skin, like a monkey, dog, or rat. It can also be spread through contact with the body of a person who has the disease. The virus can be spread through close contact with an infected person, such as sharing a bed or touching their clothes. Monkeypox can also be spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Is Monkeypox an LGBTQ Related Virus?

No, monkeypox has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Anyone can acquire it because the virus is spread through respiratory droplets when prolonged face-to-face contact or someone exchanges body fluids. These are the main reasons for human to human transmission. The reason the LGBT community is being mention is because most cases were identified by sexual health clinics that found monkeypox was transferred through sexually transmitted infection.

MonkeyPox Symptoms In Humans

What Are The Symptoms Of Monkey Pox?

The most common symptoms of Monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, swelling of the lymph nodes, and a rash that starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body. The rash consists of small bumps and swollen lymph nodes that turn into pus-filled blisters that eventually crust over.

How Long Does MonkeyPox Last?

The incubation period for MonkeyPox is usually between 5 and 21 days, or 2-4 weeks, and most people recover without any treatment. However, with early diagnosis and treatment, most patients make a full recovery. If you think you may have been exposed to the MonkeyPox virus, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible. MonkeyPox is no longer a serious threat to human health with prompt medical care.

Monkey Pox Mortality Rate Statistics

Is Monkeypox Deadly?

Yes, Depending on the strain, monkeypox can be very deadly. The Congo Basin strain of monkeypox has a fatality ratio of 10%. This indicates that 1 out of every 10 people who contract the disease will die.

The West African monkeypox virus strain’s mortality rate is significantly lower at 1%. This indicates that only 1 person out of every 100 individuals who acquire it will die.

However, most people who catch the West African virus will recover from it without any severe complications. There hasn’t been any sign of the Congo Basin strain inside the US to date.

Number Of Available Monkeypox Vaccines In America

What Is The Number Of Available Monkeypox Vaccines In America?

The United States has placed a $119 million order for monkeypox vaccines, with the option to spend an additional $180 million if needed. If required, approximately 13 million doses of the monkeypox vaccine are available in the United States.

What Are The Name Of The Monkeypox Vaccines?

When adequately administered before exposure to monkeypox, vaccines effectively protect people against monkeypox. ACAM200 and JYNNEOSTM (also known as Imvamune or Imvanex) are the two currently licensed vaccines in the United States to prevent smallpox. JYNNEOS is also explicitly licensed to prevent monkeypox.

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How Does The Vaccine For Monkeypox Work?

ACAM2000 is administered as a live virus preparation inoculated into the skin by pricking the skin surface. Following a successful injection, a lesion will develop at the vaccination site. The virus growing at the site of this inoculation lesion can be spread to other parts of the body or even to other people. Individuals who receive vaccination with ACAM2000 must take precautions to prevent the spread of the vaccine virus.

JYNNEOSTM is administered as a live virus that is non-replicating. It is administered as two subcutaneous injections four weeks apart. There is no visible “take” and, as a result, no risk for spread to other parts of the body or other people. People who receive JYNNEOS TM are not considered vaccinated until they receive both vaccine doses.

Is The Monkey Pox Vaccine The Same As The Smallpox Vaccine?

Because monkeypox is closely related to the virus that causes smallpox. The smallpox vaccine can protect people from getting monkeypox. Past data from Africa suggests that the smallpox vaccine is at least 85% effective in preventing monkeypox. The effectiveness of JYNNEOSTM against monkeypox was concluded from a clinical study on the immunogenicity of JYNNEOS and efficacy data from animal studies. Smallpox and monkeypox vaccines effectively protect people against monkeypox when given before exposure to monkeypox.

The Centers For Disease Control Stance On Insurance Coverage Vaccinations

Does Health Insurance Cover Monkey Pox Vaccines?

Yes and No, Under ACA, most health care providers must cover the CDC’s routinely recommended vaccinations for adults and pregnant women at no cost when they purchase a health insurance policy.

Currently, the only “recommended” vaccinations are:

As you see, Monkeypox isn’t on the above list; however, neither was COVID-19 until it needed to be, so just keep that in mind.

Will My Life Insurance Company Pay Out If I Die From Monkey Pox?

Yes, if you purchased your life insurance before contracting monkeypox, then your life insurance company will pay out if you pass away from it. However, if you purchased your policy after, or you are still in the “contestability” stage of your life insurance (usually 2 years), then it’s possible the policy won’t payout. If you are in the incontestability stage of your policy, then it will pay out regardless.

Finishing Thoughts On How Many Cases Of Monkeypox In US

Monkeypox is a severe disease that can be deadly, but vaccines are available to help prevent the spread monkeypox infection Be sure to talk to your doctor about whether or not you should get the vaccine and how many doses you will need. You should also make sure that your health insurance plan covers the cost of the vaccine. If you have any questions about your life insurance policy, contact your life insurance company to find out if they will pay out if you die from monkeypox. Thanks for reading!

Sources: Journal Of Infectious Diseases | Vaccinate Your Family | CDC | WHO | Stat News | New York Times |