How Do Life Insurers Consider Taxi Driving as a Profession?

Why should you consider getting life insurance as a taxi driver?

Well firstly you need to begin by asking yourself the fundamental question of – how often do you feel unsafe at work? As a driver of any sort, we all take risks by being on the road. However, as a taxi driver, not only are you responsible for yourself and other drivers on the road but you also have responsibility for your paying passengers. Whilst simply trying to earn a living taxi drivers are forced to endure dangerous drivers, customers refusing to pay fares, and at times even assault.

I am sure you don’t need us to list all of the risks you could face in your job every day. However, the great news is you can protect yourself against these risks as soon as today.

At Plan we partner with Caspian Insurance to offer an extensive range of life insurance products. We also collaborate with J.Osborne Healthcare to source Private Medical Insurance from a wide array of leading suppliers.

Sick of no sick pay?

Income protection insurance is potentially the most advantageous policy you could choose for yourself as a taxi driver! This type of cover is essential if you do not have benefits such as sick pay at work. This policy can provide you with financial security by covering a percentage of your income if you were unable to work due to accident or sickness

Every day as a taxi driver, you are in a confined space in your vehicle with people from all walks of life. This means your chances of becoming unwell and being unable to work are likely to be increased due to constant close contact with the general public. The harsh reality of being a taxi driver is that work can be unpredictable and during quiet periods customers can be hard to come by.

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Would working those unsociable, long hours be worth it if you were to fall ill and struggle financially? Enquire about an income protection policy today and protect your income against illness and accident.

What is critical illness cover and why do I need it?

Being a taxi driver is sedentary by nature, of course, a fact you will be more than familiar with. No matter how healthy your lifestyle is, you are still in a profession in which sitting down all day is essential. But sitting for long periods can open the door to many serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes and even others that are sadly associated with early death. Studies have also shown that there are links between sitting for long periods and your metabolism slowing down which affects the body’s ability to break down fat and regulate blood sugar.

This is where a critical illness insurance policy comes in handy. When you decide to take out a critical illness policy, one of the things we will assess when we look at cover for yourself is your occupation. When you discuss your financial needs, insurers will always look at the risks of your occupation. Generally, taxi drivers are considered to be in the ‘low-risk’ category for life insurance which is great news if you are considering taking out this type of policy.

Everyone’s financial ,health and lifestyle situation is different and as with any insurance, your history will be analyzed and the final decision will be based on this. Critical illness cover can benefit not only your family but also yourself as the policy can pay out whilst you are alive.

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Although it is a scary thought and one we all like to put off, illness can strike at any time and we must be financially prepared for this. At peak times and with hard work, taxi driving can be a well paid profession. However, it can also be unsteady in terms of income which in turn means it is harder to sufficient money aside for rainy days. Do not delay your search any longer in getting a policy that could help financially protect your family in the event of a serious critical illness.

We hear you thinking, “What is the best policy for me?” and “Surely I only need one life insurance policy?”. But having multiple protection policies is hugely beneficial as life insurance is never a one size fits all approach. Plan’s chosen service providers will always consider your individual circumstances when recommending protection policies, ensuring that you receive the most suitable advice possible. They have a team of experienced advisers who will assess your information, ensuring your policy accurately reflects your requirements. The advice you receive will be specifically tailored to your needs a taxi driver.

Life Insurance should be accessible to everyone, no matter what your profession. Getting a quote to financially protect yourself and your family could not be easier via Plan’s carefully selected service providers.

Find out why 96% of our customers have rated us 4 stars or higher by reading our reviews on Feefo.

To get a quote give our specialist teams a call on 0800 542 2743 or request a Call Back.

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