HDI Global looks to generative AI with proprietary GPT system for process augmentation

HDI Global looks to generative AI with proprietary GPT system for process augmentation

Authored by HDI Global

Creating added value through artificial intelligence (AI) is currently very much in vogue. For years now, the experts at HDI Global have been using AI models that generate clear results from structured data. With its proprietary generative AI solution HDI-GPT, however, the company has now made it possible for the first time to gain real-time insights from unstructured data in text or image form as a support tool for HDI Global staff. Benefits can already be identified for customers and employees alike: first and foremost, the time saving through optimised processes in conformity with applicable data protection and compliance standards. The industrial insurer has developed a transformation strategy to systematically explore and sustainably realise the full potential of the technology.

From interpreting legal contract terms and conditions through summarising extensive content to the recording and assessing of insurance claims in real time – the opportunities to deploy HDI-GPT as a tool to assist internal users at HDI Global are many and varied. The ongoing investigation of potential further use cases is an integral element of the company’s strategy. What is more, HDI Global attaches considerable importance to training its staff in the use of the tool to enable them to serve as a knowledgeable partner for customers. Ultimately, a controlling human factor is always integrated into HDI Global’s processes even in areas where generative AI is used. By establishing a programme to ensure the sustainable technological maturity of the workforce, the company is putting in place the framework conditions needed for long-term, user-friendly deployment.

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Willi Weber, Head of Data Analytics at HDI Global, explained, “We have consciously taken our time in exploring the possibilities offered by generative AI. It was important to create awareness in the organisation, identify the right use cases and explore how the new solutions can sensibly augment workflows in order to provide real support for our employees.”

“This much is already certain: the potential is enormous, but the technology calls for sustainable exploration in the interest of users – and not least of our customers. Despite all the focus on acceleration and process optimisation, it goes without saying that for us the overriding concern is always the protection of data and business secrets,” Willi Weber, Head of Data Analytics at HDI Global, explains. 

Innovative tool for the interpretation of relevant business data

Dr Thomas Kuhnt, Chief Operating Officer at HDI Global SE added, “With HDI-GPT we are for the first time looking to generative AI for the transformation of core insurance processes and for workflow optimisation.”

“What is fundamental for us is that this is about augmentation, not automation. The “human in the loop” is indispensable for the responsible use of generative AI and our ambition to offer customers tailored solutions. Going forward, the goal is to use the technology as a co-pilot in areas where it proves expedient for enhancing and accelerating data-driven processes and enables the more efficient management of our business. We are at the dawn of an exciting development that brings new advances almost daily and which we are helping to strategically shape for the benefit of our stakeholders.

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In view of the importance attached to the human factor in the handling of HDI-GPT as well as the pace of developments in this field, HDI Global is committed to the ongoing training of internal users on a long-term basis. The knowledge conveyed is guided by the latest state of the art and current data protection standards. Starting out from the self-image of its role as clients’ “partner in transformation”, HDI Global is thereby driving the digital revolution in its own organisation with a far-sighted perspective in order to deliver optimal services to customers through employees equipped with the best possible technical training.