Halloween Safety Tips for Your Pet

Trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving , festive crafts and spooky decorations – who doesn’t love
Halloween? It’s a perfect holiday for family fun and can be even more fun when you
get the pets involved. That being said, it’s important to remember that
increased activity in your neighborhood on Halloween can pose some safety
risks to your family pet.
Whether you’re taking them along for trick-or-treating or planning to hand out
candy this year, here are some safety precautions to keep in mind for your pets
this Halloween:
Be Mindful When Choosing a Halloween
Not all costumes are created equal. When
choosing an adorable outfit for your furry family member, ensure that the
costume does not inhibit their vision, breathing or movement in any way. If
taking them out trick-or-treating with you, consider adding reflective tape to
the costume to make them more visible. Keep your dog’s collar on at all times
and ensure that their ID tags are visible.
Keep Your Dogs on a Leash
If you’re taking your dog – or dogs – out for
trick-or-treating with the family, make sure they remain on a leash at all
times. While you may believe your dog is obedient enough to follow you without
a leash, a sudden noise or cute little goblin with a bag full of chocolate
could distract your dog, causing them to run out into the road or run away. It’s also important to be
considerate of fellow trick-or-treaters; not everyone feels comfortable around
dogs so it’s important to keep them close to your side and leashed so that
everyone feels at ease.
Pack Water and Waste Bags
If your dog will be accompanying you on your
Halloween haunt, be sure to pack plenty of essentials. Bring a backpack with
water and a dish in case your dog gets thirsty. It’s also important to pack
waste bags – as you probably know – dogs tend to go where they’re not supposed
to and often when it’s inconvenient. You’ll be glad you packed the bags! You
might also consider bringing treats to enforce good behavior.
Crate Your Dogs If You’re Staying
If you’re planning to hand out candy this year, then you will be
constantly opening and closing your door. To keep your dog from darting out the
door, keep them in their crate or closed in a separate room during
trick-or-treating hours. This will prevent them from accidentally running away
or startling those coming to your door. The same goes for cats! Close them off
in a separate room until the Halloween fun is over. You may even consider
putting music or the television on for your pets while they’re closed away to reduce stress and create a calming environment.
Keep Chocolate Out of Reach
Chocolate is toxic for pets so it’s important
to store your Halloween haul well out of their reach. Keep your candy placed
high on the counter or on top of the refrigerator where it is out of reach from
dogs. Better yet, store your candy in a closed cabinet where counter-climbing
cats can’t access it.
While Halloween can pose some safety risks for
your pets, the good news is that a few preventative measures can mitigate risk
and keep the holiday fun for all.
Getting into the holiday spirit? Click on the
button below to check out our top pumpkin carving safety tips.