"Every Day, Every Way"

There’s an important belief that everyone at CH Insurance carries: “Success is never a solo act. It can only be achieved by great teamwork.”

Teamwork is at the heart of what will be achieved in 2023, both at CH Insurance and across Central New York. The following series of questions asked by Angela Moonan, brand and storytelling consultant to CH Insurance for the past decade, helps tell the story and vision of what we believe the driving forces are that are shaping the horizon for 2023.

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Joseph Convertino Jr.



Joe, one thing that sets CH Insurance a part is the culture and talent you’ve curated over the years. Why is this so important to you, the CH team, and for the future of all businesses who want to thrive?


As my father stated years ago, when you think about it, we are with our employees 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. That’s just as much as your family. So, why not create a family environment and culture with strong communication, open door policies, structure, fun, recognition. Always with a balance of work hard and play hard, each and every day. We’ve built this over the years and it has created loyal staff with very low turnover. It’s so important to celebrate the business side with your staff, not only the monetary, but fun within your organization. Each month we host town halls, birthday/anniversary celebrations, catered lunches. Outside of the office we orchestrate events such as ‘Cooking with your Team,’ sporting events, happy hours, and trivia nights. Lastly, you need to make sure you have a strong, mission, vison, and values as this helps mold and create a continuous culture of success!


With all of the consolidation, mergers and acquisitions, not only in the insurance industry but all industries, across the country and right here in CNY… how does this position CH moving forward?


Over the last few years, the pressures of many outside factors have all owners and businesses thinking! Within our industry, I’ve never seen anything like it. This excites me because we’re now one of the only true Independent LOCAL Agencies within the Central NY region. It can be a challenge, but you need to adapt and create new opportunities within your firm using technology, creating alliances, continuous culture development, access to local decision making, and a strong brand, storytelling, and brand promise. I truly believe within most insurance purchases within CNY, both businesses and consumers want to work with LOCAL teams, not a fortune 500, 800 number out-of-state, private equity, etc.

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Those changes have created market flux, and that’s where CH Insurance is positioned strongly to be a true partner within an organizations’ risk management portfolio in 2023 and beyond.


The massive amount of new economic investments and expansion in downtown Syracuse and Onondaga County in particular, impacts us for generations to come. In what ways do you see CH capitalizing on this growth, and what wise words do you have for others who may not be certain how to best position themselves strategically?


It’s so exciting to see and hear about all the positive growth in CNY. Think about how long we have waited for this? You see it, feel it, and know it. Whether as large as Amazon, JMA or Micron, to all the new activity downtown with warehouse renovations for habitational /retail growth. Just so amazing that Syracuse is now on the map nationally! With CH being at the center of all of this downtown in the Atrium building, we’re positioned with our talented staff, local connections and strategic alliances, to work on many of the insurance programs that will spinoff with this local growth.


CH Insurance is such a proud and vested community leader. Your team is always engaging in projects and events that matter so much to CNY. Why is this such a strong belief of yours and how do you get your team so involved?


One of our core values is work and impact within the communities we serve! We really live with this principal throughout CNY. It’s fulfilling to help others and the staff is completely engaged. At the end of the day, we all feel happy. The CH team has created a community corner where we address and write about something we provided during the year that was impactful and rewarding for us as a group. By investing in these projects and events, the level of people you’ll meet far-out weigh the energy and effort it requires. It matters who you surround yourself with so you’re always getting better. Getting involved and making a difference…that is the real spark and reward through the relationships it creates over the years!

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Final question Joe…When you look ahead to the many innovations you’ll continue to implement at CH, there are core values that are the cornerstone of CH as a leader, in insurance, and across all industries. You’ve developed the “5C’s as your roadmap. Can you share how and why you bring those to life everyday?


Within any business you need to keep it fun, especially insurance. If you have the workplace culture and principles, every industry can achieve the same thing. Within the CH office we work and live by the 5C’s: Connection – Always trying to find leaders or network sources to make you or your company better. Nurturing empathy between colleagues within the office and with customers is vitally important. Curiosity – what’s around the corner? Why is it that way? What do we need to learn next? Communication – We all know this is the glue for any organization and with clients and customers. All of our policies and procedures are centered around this principle. Change – If you cannot accept this you are out of business, especially during these times. It’s the world we live in. Adapt to thrive. At CH we change sometimes weekly, if necessary. Lis- ten and implement is the key. Community – We all work hard and do well, why not impact and support the communities you live in? You have to give back. It put smiles on faces throughout the year and makes it all worthwhile!

In 2023, we are in your corner! Every day, Every way.