Ep 92 Andreas Berger Swiss Re Corporate Solutions: Start early and do it quickly

Ep 92 Andreas Berger Swiss Re Corporate Solutions:  Start early and do it quickly

September 28, 2021

I have met Andreas Berger at various times in the last 15 years and he has been consistently impressive every time I have met him.

It was therefore no surprise when in 2019 Swiss Re came calling with a major task to fix its consistently misfiring and loss-making Corporate Solutions, or CorSo, business unit.

Two years later and the turnaround at CorSo has been remarkable.

I think if you listen here you can see how Andreas has been able to do it.

He does what good managers are supposed to do – he brings technical excellence but doesn’t get bogged down in it; he understands the importance of correct management structures but doesn’t come across like a consultant and he gets tech and data but isn’t a technocrat.

Most importantly he is also really transparent and honest about where things have gone wrong and knows how important it is to make remedial decisions quickly and get on with executing them.

But the key factor overarching all of this is that he is a charismatic communicator who does all of the above with a smile on his face and the ability to bring staff, brokers and clients along with him for the journey.

As you can imagine these ingredients make for a really good podcast, where we get stuck into everything CorSo and all the big challenges facing the industry today.


We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo – enabling an enterprise view of exposure:


We also thank Claims Direct Access (CDA) and Free Partners for their support today:

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