Ep 105 David Flandro: Secondary perils driving just about everything at 1.1

January 7, 2022
Today’s interview is one of the most all encompassing I have ever done.
That’s all because of the interviewee and his research team who have just produced one of the most comprehensive 1st of January renewal reports I have ever read.
The 2022 renewals have been much more interesting than usual with reinsurers undertaking a fundamental rethink of how they view Property Cat alongside taking a view on casualty trends, Covid and the long-term likely effects of both the social and economic forms inflation.
Meanwhile Cyber insurance has been undergoing a huge dislocation and a wholesale re-rating and we have also had the effects of the class of 2020 and record industry capital levels to take into account.
For this reason I was delighted to catch up with David Flandro Head of Analytics at Howden’s HX unit to try and make sense of it all.
David is one of the smartest analysts dedicated to the insurance world and he is also a great communicator and great fun to spend time with.
The report is out now and I would highly recommend a read to accompany your listen here
There are some things that only a well-constructed graph can explain!
Howden 1.1.22 renewal report Times are a-changin’:
We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo – enabling an enterprise view of exposure:
We also thank Claims Direct Access (CDA) for their support today: