Do I need to insure a car that’s off road?

Cars Parked on the Street at Night

Owning and running a car can be a costly occupation, particularly as fuel and car insurance have increased in prices in the last few months. The first three months of 2022 saw the highest car insurance premium since the last quarter of 2020, as motorists got back on the road after the pandemic.

As a result, currently, 1 in 10 motorists are taking public transport more often, and a fifth are resorting to walking or cycling more to save money. Whilst there are various ways to save money when running a car, from shopping around for vehicle insurance to limiting the number of trips you embark on, you may benefit more from actually declaring your car off-road altogether if you are not using it. Doing so means you can save on not only fuel but other costs such as road tax and MOTs.

If you are considering taking your car off the road for a while, this article is for you. Here, we will cover everything you need to know about declaring your car off-road, from tax, MOTs and insurance to the procedures you need to follow to avoid fines from the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA).

Do I need to insure a car that’s off-road?

In the UK, there is a law called Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE) which means that all vehicles must be insured at all times by the registered keeper, even if they are not being driven. The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) can check for vehicle insurance using the Motor Insurance Database (MID), and if they find that you have an uninsured car, they will send you an insurance advisory letter. At this point, you will need to take action and insure your car to avoid a penalty.

Alternatively, if you are not actually using your car at all and don’t plan to do so for some time, you can apply for a SORN for your vehicle, which will declare it off-road. Doing so means you will not be required to insure, tax, or MOT it until you plan to put it back on the road.

It is a legal requirement to have either insurance and tax for your car or a SORN from the DVLA. It is worth noting, however, that whilst you are not legally required to insure your car whilst it has a SORN, you may still want to insure it for Third Party, Fire and Theft to protect it whilst it is stored off-road.

What is a SORN?

A Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) is a declaration to the DVLA that you no longer intend to drive your car on public roads. It registers your vehicle off-road and makes it exempt from Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) which is commonly known as road tax or vehicle tax, as well as car insurance and a valid MOT certificate.

Why would I need to SORN my car?

Other than your car simply going unused, there are some other instances where you may be required to declare your car off-road, including:

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If your car is uninsured. For example, if there is a delay in sorting your car insurance policy, even if that is only for a couple of weeks, you will need a SORN to avoid potential fines for having an uninsured vehicle.If your car is not taxed. Your car must be both taxed and insured before you can drive it on public roads, therefore if your car is not taxed, you will need to apply for a SORN.If you have bought a car to fix up. You should apply for a SORN if you know you will not be using your new car for some time whilst you carry out work to get it road-worthy. The same applies to cars that have failed an MOT test and will take some time to fix.You drive a classic car only during the summer. If you are only going to use a car for a limited period of time, it makes sense to get a SORN for the rest of the year, so you don’t have to pay for tax or insurance whilst it is not on the road.You want to scrap your vehicle. You will need to declare your vehicle as being off-road before you can scrap it or dismantle it for parts.You are going to university. Again, if you are not taking your car to university and will go for long periods without driving, it is worth considering applying for a SORN.

How do I SORN my car?

You can apply for a SORN in one of the following ways:

Online using the DVLA websiteBy postOver the phone


Applying for a SORN online is an easy method of taking your car off the road. In order to apply online, you do, however, need to make sure the car is registered in your name. If this is not the case, notify the DVLA that the car is not on the road by post.

Before you start the online process, check your address is correct in your log book (V5C) — you can amend it online if it is incorrect. Once you have made sure your address is right, you will be ready to apply for a SORN. For the application itself, you will need your car’s registration number, make and model information, and the 16-digit reference number, which can be found on the V11 tax reminder letter from the DVLA.

If you do not have a V11 letter, you will have two options depending on whether you are the existing keeper of the vehicle. These are as follows:

Existing keeper: Use the 11-digit reference number found on the front of your registration certificate (V5C)New keeper: Use the reference number from the front of the new keeper supplement (V5C/2)

The method you choose to SORN your car will affect the time the SORN actually starts. If you use the 16-digit reference number, it will start on the first day of the next month. Using the 11-digit number found in your V5C, the SORN will start immediately.

By Post

To apply by post, send an application form (V890) to the DVLA. Make sure to include the date you want to take your vehicle off the road. If you do not have a log book, you can fill in a V62 application form to request a new one — this will cost £25.

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If your address is wrong, you can update it when you apply for a SORN by post. Simply write your new address in either:

Section 3 if you have a new style logbook (it will have multi-coloured numbered blocks on the front cover)Section 6 if you have the older style logbook

Over the Phone

So long as you are the vehicle’s registered keeper, you will be able to apply for a SORN over the phone. Use the DVLA’s 24-hour service:

DVLA vehicle service
Telephone: 0300 123 4321

What happens if I don’t have a SORN for my car when I need one?

The DVLA can identify uninsured drivers by checking the Motor Insurance Database to see whether they have applied for a SORN. If your car is off-road and not in use, it is your responsibility to declare it to the DVLA. If you do not do this, you can be automatically fined £80 for not having a SORN.

Furthermore, if you have not insured your car or applied for a SORN, you could face:

A fixed penalty of £100Having your car wheel-clamped, impounded or destroyedA court prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000

There are also additional penalties for driving your car without the correct insurance in place. If found to be driving a car you are not insured for, the police can issue a fixed penalty of £300 along with 6 penalty points on your licence. If the case goes to court, you could also receive an unlimited fine, and in extreme cases, you may be disqualified from driving.

Applying for a SORN is completely free, so it is worth making sure you have one in place to avoid unnecessary and avoidable expenses.

How do I end a SORN and put my car back on the road?

Getting your car taxed will automatically end a SORN — yes, it’s really that easy. You can do this online on the DVLA website using a reference number which can be found on one of the following:

A recent vehicle tax reminder letter (V11) from the DVLAYour vehicle log book (V5C), provided it is in your nameThe green ‘new keeper’ slip from the logbook of a recently purchased car

If your car is exempt from vehicle tax, you will still need to tax it to remove the SORN, even if you are not required to pay anything for it.

Once you have taxed your car, you will then need to sort out an insurance policy as required by the Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE) law. The minimum requirement for insurance is Third Party Only which will provide cover if you are in an accident that causes injury or damage to a third party, their vehicle, property, or animals.

The final step is to check to see whether your car has a valid MOT certificate using the DVLA’s MOT checker. If your car does not have one, you will need to book one before you cancel a SORN. As previously mentioned, you will be able to drive your car to its MOT test with a SORN in place, provided the test is pre-booked. Driving without a valid MOT certificate may result in a fine of up to £1,000, so it is important you sort your car passes its test before you drive it.

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After you have sorted out your car’s road tax, insurance policy, and MOT certificate, you will be able to put your car back on the road and enjoy it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most frequently queried aspects of applying for a SORN.

Can I drive my car if it has a SORN?

No, you cannot drive your car on public roads whilst it has a SORN. The only exceptions are if you are driving your vehicle to and from a pre-booked MOT test (you must be able to prove this if you get stopped by police on the way) or if you are driving it on privately owned land. If you are found to be driving for any other reason, you could face a fine of £2,500.

Do I need to renew a SORN?

No, once you have declared your car off-road and received a SORN, it will remain in place until you tax, sell, permanently export or scrap your car.

Where can I keep my car if it has been declared off-road?

A SORN vehicle can be kept:

In a garageOn a drivewayOn a private road (provided you have permission from the owner)

You must not keep your vehicle on the roadside or pavement, in a car park, or in a garden if it has a SORN.

Can I claim back any remaining tax or insurance if my car has a SORN?

The DVLA will automatically refund you for any remaining tax that you have paid on your car when you apply for a SORN. You might also be able to claim back the cost of any remaining insurance cover, but that will depend on your insurance provider. It is worth bearing in mind that there is often a high cancellation fee when you end an insurance policy before the end of its term.

Can I buy a SORN car?

Yes, however, you will need to make the necessary provisions depending on whether you intend to drive your new car. A SORN does not transfer to a new owner of a vehicle, so if you are planning on keeping it off the road for a while, you will need to apply for a new one for yourself. Alternatively, if you do want to drive your new car, you will be able to do so once it is properly taxed and insured.

Does a SORN affect my vehicle’s MOT certificate?

No, if your car has passed its MOT test, then the certificate will be valid until the expiry date stated on it, regardless of whether the vehicle has a SORN. If your MOT certificate expires while your car is off-road, you will need to arrange a new MOT before you can put your car back on the road.

Also read:
SORN my car: How to declare your vehicle as off the road